Unopened PS2 consoles as treasures in the cellar become real investments

Unopened PS2 consoles: Nostalgia meets investment. Rare bundles fetch up to 4,000 dollars - a treasure for collectors and clever investors.

Niklas Bender
Freelancer and news editor at since 2022. Preferably on the PS5 and various genres.
4 Min Read

The PlayStation 2 was not only one of the most successful consoles of its time, but has since become a coveted collector's item after production officially ended. Unopened copies in particular fetch astonishing sums on platforms such as eBay, making collectors' hearts beat faster. If you are lucky enough to own one of these consoles in its original packaging, you could be holding a little treasure in your hands.

Current top prices for the PS2

An example from the collector's world shows how lucrative the trade in unopened consoles can be. A rare PS2 bundle with a LEGO Batman game was recently found - in a condition that was anything but perfect. Other examples, such as the classic PS2 Slim in silver or black, fetch prices of up to 2,000 dollars. One first generation PS2 in original packaging is even sold for an impressive 4,000 dollars.

The Reddit user "Zelda's Awakening" shared an exciting story a few days ago: while rummaging through his father's house, he came across a PS2 in its original packaging. What's more, it was a limited edition LEGO Batman bundle that came with an additional Justice League movie. Although the box was a little battered and the packaging is no longer shrink-wrapped, the condition of the console remains untouched - a little time capsule of gaming history. Therefore, the collector's value is considered immense, as the bundle including a Justice League movie is considered a rare item. The current value is estimated at 500 US dollars.

Why the hype about unopened consoles?

Business with unopened consoles is booming because they are both memorabilia and investments. Many buyers are looking for a piece of nostalgia from their youth, while others are speculating on the increase in value. A comparison with an unopened Nintendo 64, which is currently being offered for a whopping 250,000 dollars, shows just how much the market for gaming rarities has grown. Whether a PlayStation console also has what it takes to achieve such prices remains to be seen. Nintendo certainly has the higher cult factor, while the PS2 currently offers a good entry point into this business.

This doesn't just apply to consoles - accessories such as controllers, memory cards or games in unopened condition can now fetch many times the price they did back then, and owning a piece of history like this is also a great thing.

What does this mean for modern consoles like the PS5?

If you buy a PlayStation 5 today and store it unopened, you could achieve similar prices in a few decades' time. However, this is a risk: the internal condition of the console, demand on the collectors' market and the supply of comparable models all play a decisive role. The big money is already being made today with limited editions such as the 30th Anniversary Edition which sold for several thousand dollars even before the actual launch. However, this is mostly due to profit maximization rather than nostalgia.

NeverthelessThe PS2 has proven that gaming hardware is not only fun, but can also be a real investment.

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