Sony's PlayStation Plus discount policy: cheers to the loyal customers who don't exist!

Sony's PlayStation Plus discount policy: loyal customers pay the price while the discount hunters race in the fast lane. Who needs loyalty when you can get it cheaper?

Niklas Bender
Freelancer and Editor-in-Chief at since 2022. Love the PS5, play games across all genres and have a weakness for humorous texts - sarcasm included.
4 Min Read

There are many kinds of unfairness in life: losing a favorite game in a sale, constantly losing out on online multiplayer - and of course Sony's gracious discount policy at PlayStation Plus. If you think you're getting a nice offer for a membership renewal while paying loyally as a PlayStation Plus subscriber, then unfortunately you've done the math without Sony. Because only one thing counts here: new customers, and they can be happy. The loyal customers? They get nothing - except a good dose of frustration.

It could actually be fair

It all started quite harmlessly: Sony surprisingly launches a a hefty discount as part of a promotion. Premium level for less than 100 euros. If that's not accommodating. But wait! This discount is not for everyone. Because those whose PS Plus subscription has not just expired - or who have benefited from a generous PSN extension due to an outage - can pin this discount on their hat. Well, welcome to the world of Sony's "Loyalty is not what we are looking for"-Policy.

"Oh, you're already a subscriber? Tough luck, the discount only goes to newcomers or people who have just given up their membership", says Sony practically. And what happens then? Of course: every smart user cancels their membership, waits for the discount and then renews when the prices are low. This brings us directly to the question that really nobody can understand: What's the advantage for Sony, other than it's a play on loyal customers?

After all, Sony already has your money

Sure, companies need to attract new customers - that's the business model. But in this case, it almost feels like a mockery of long-time subscribers. Maybe we're old-fashioned, but it would actually be nice if Sony rewarded loyal customers for once. Instead, Sony tells us: "If you've always given us your money, you're probably in the bag anyway - who needs discounts?"

And we are not alone in our disappointment. On Reddit and in other forums players are once again complaining that they feel disadvantaged. "Why do only the newcomers get the discount? I'm always on the ball too", wrote one user. It's a bit like a club where you've already bought your ticket, but then you find out that all new members get in for free - while you continue to pay the full price.

The usual practice as an argument?

Of course, there are also the Sony defenders. "It's quite normal to offer promotions for new customers. Other services do that too", they say. True, other services do this - but what would be wrong if Sony simply valued its loyal customers a little more? It could be so easy to create attractive offers for renewals without simply ignoring the entire market segment of regular customers.

We think Sony could take a cue from other companies that cater to both new and old customers. But hey, what do we know? I guess loyal subscribers just aren't cool enough for discounts anymore. And so all we can do is hope for the next special offer - this time perhaps after the next PSN outage?

What do you think? Is Sony discriminating against those customers who are loyal anyway?

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