CoD: Black Ops – Patch 1.05 erhältlich

By Trooper_D5X 1 comment
1 Min Read

Treyarch hat den Patch 1.05 für Call of Duty: Black Ops veröffentlicht, der beim nächsten Spielstart geladen wird.

Seit der Veröffentlichung des vorherigen Patches 1.04 kam es zu zahlreichen Problemen im Spiel, die nun behoben worden sind. Hier der offizielle Changelog:

  • Improved party reliability when leaving with party – an additional step in an ongoing series of party improvements continued in the next patch
  • Improved UPnP functionality – further expands the game’s capability to open NATs on routers with universal plug and play enabled
  • Enabled mute functionality in Playercards in the pre-game lobby
  • Enabled kick functionality in party and private match lobbies
  • Addressed an issue where the pre-game lobby would not always display properly when multiple players leave the lobby after a team split
  • Addressed an issue where the pre-game lobby would appear stuck on the countdown timer while waiting to balance teams


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