Assassins Creed: Brotherhooh – Neuer Patch angekündigt

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Ubisoft hat einen neuen Patch für Assassins Creed: Brotherhood angekündigt, der u.a. der Trophy und Animus Bug beseitigen wird.

Einen genauen Termin kann Ubisoft derzeit noch nicht nennen, aber der Patch soll schon bald veröffentlicht werden. Anbei hat man gleich noch den offiziellen Changelog veröffentlicht:

Fixes (MP)

  • Sometimes players may remain stuck during matchmaking (game never starts)
  • In extremely rare occasions, a crash may occur if another player of the same session quits while another player is loading the map at the exact same time
  • When joining a session In Manhunt, in the chased team, you may have a sound present during the entire session

Fixes (Singleplayer)

  • The player may remain stuck in the present optional (2012), in a spawning loop in Monterigioni, while interacting with the Animus (Animus Bug)
  • Using fast travel towards Northern Campagna may result in Ezio getting continuously desynchronized
  • Sometimes a bug can occur that prevents the player from unlocking any additional Trophies (Trophy Bug)
  • On rare occasion, if the player changes their outfit at the completion of a mission, they will respawn in the same world, being stuck, without any possibility of returning to Rome

Quelle: Ubisoft


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