Assassin´s Creed Syndicate erhält Patch 1.02

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
3 Min Read

Ubisoft hat den Patch 1.02 für ‚Assassin´s Creed Syndicate‘ auf PlayStation 4 und Xbox One zum Download freigegeben.

Mit dem Update verspricht eine allgemein bessere Performance und Stabilität, plus Optimierungen im Bereich Online, KI, Audio und bei den NPCs. Was sich genau alles mit dem Patch 1.02 ändert, seht ihr im offiziellen Changelog:


  • Improved performance and stability


  • Fixed an issue where there was no rating for the final mission
  • Fixed an issue where the Trophy/Achievement descriptions were in English when the user put his system language to „French (Canada)“


  • Fixed an issue where the lip-sync was not synchronized with the cinematics
  • Fixed an issue where the subtitles weren’t exactly matching the audio
  • Fixed some issues with some audio missing or being played incorrectly


  • Fixed some collisions issues for carriages and trains
  • Fixed some spawning issues with the vehicles


  • Fixed some popping issues
  • Improved reactions for the allies
  • Improved reactions for NPC on the ground
  • Improved reactions for NPC on carts and trains
  • Improved navigation for NPC

Game System

  • Fixed some issues with the replay system
  • Fixed some balancing issues
  • Fixed an issue where the gun might be missing in the inventory after acquiring it in the „Whitechapel Conquest“ mission
  • Fixed an unlocking issue with the Train Raids
  • Fixed an issue with the „Artisan“ Trophy/Achievement


  • The Time Anomaly icon was increased to have a better visibility on the map
  • Fixed some issues with the messages for the mission in the HUD
  • Fixed some icon issues
  • Fixed some lighting issues
  • Fixed some low resolution and corrupted texture issues
  • Fixed some level of detail issues
  • Fixed issues with props in the world


  • Fixed some issues during fights with NPCs
  • Fixed issues with counter attacks
  • Fixed some camera issues


  • Fixed an issue in the Fight Club
  • Fixed an issue where the player could not enter the Time Anomaly mission
  • Fixed some issues with the mission objectives and secondary constraints not updating properly
  • Fixed issues with the fast travel
  • Fixed some issues where the missions could be blocked after some cinematics
  • Fixed some issues with Crawford Starrick in the last mission, „A Night To Remember“


  • Fixed some issues with the coerce system
  • Fixed some issues with the cover system
  • Fixed some issues with the parkour and navigation
  • Fixed some animation issues
  • Fixed some camera issues
  • Fixed some issues with the rope launcher
  • Fixed an issue where the player could sometimes fall under the map


(*) nutzt Affiliate-Links von bekannten Shops und Plattformen, durch dir wir eine kleine Provision erhalten. Ein Nachteil für euch ergibt sich dadurch nicht, aber ihr unterstützt so indirekt die Plattform. Danke!


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