Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – Patch 1.08 online

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
1 Min Read

Activision und Infinity Ward haben den Patch 1.08 (21MB) für Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 veröffentlicht, der euch beim nächsten Spielstart zum Download angeboten wird.

Einen offiziellen Changelog gibt es natürlich auch dazu:

  • Improvement to Mic Quality (PS3 specific)
  • HD Video Uploads (PS3 specific)
  • Networking enhancements
  • Theater improvements and fixes
  • Further improvements to “Host Disadvantage” / “Lag Comp”
  • Increased speed of YouTube uploads from 32k to 256k
  • Nerf to all Akimbo weapons (reduced fire rate)
  • Shotgun re-balance (Slight nerf to Striker, slight buff to all other shotguns)
  • Fix that prevents some users from not receiving their prestige token after prestiging
  • Fix stat bug that retains “games played” stat across prestiges


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