Crysis 2 – Patch 1.03 erschienen

By Trooper_D5X 1 comment
1 Min Read

Auch für Crysis 2 steht ein aktuelles Update bereit, welches das Spiel auf die Version 1.03 aktualisiert. Der Patch wird beim nächsten Spielstart geladen.

Anbei der offizielle Changelog:

  • Ability to change L1/L2 and R1/R2 trigger controls (the alternative scheme is the ‚2‘ option on each).
  • Stability improvements.
  • Objectives are returned if they end up in forbidden areas.
  • Fixed various weapon exploits.
  • Fixed a rare issue where autoaim, stealth kill and grab would not work on an AI.
  • Fix for invites being accepted during level loading.
  • Fixed an issue where Deflection bonus would carry over into the next round.
  • Fixed player losing Nano Catalyst points after restarting the game.
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes remain stuck in a blank screen after accepting a game invite.
  • Fixed an issue where some unlocked items would be locked on subsequent SP campaigns.
  • Fixed an issue with weapon skins on the customise weapon menu.
  • Fixed an issue where weapon zoom would sometimes not work correctly.

Crysis 2 gibt es ab 17 Uhr wieder im Blitzangebot bei Haltet unseren Blog im Auge dazu.


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