Dark Souls: Remastered – Patch 1.03 erscheint morgen

By Johannes Add a Comment
2 Min Read

Bandai Namco bereitet derzeit den Patch 1.03 für ‚Dark Souls: Remastered‘ vor, der bereits am morgigen Mittwoch ausgeliefert wird und diverse Korrekturen umsetzt.

Neue Features oder ähnliches sind damit nicht wirklich zu erwarten, da man lediglich die Endgame-Erfahrung etwas optimiert, darunter visuelle Fehler, sowie weitere Maßnahmen gegen das Cheaten im Multiplayer. Alle Details dazu verrät euch der nachfolgende Changelog:

  • Fixed a bug in which The Four Kings are not displayed properly in The Abyss.
  • Fixed a bug in which the ending comes up in Kiln of the first flame without defeating the boss when you do specific moves before the boss area.
  • Fixed a bug in which player’s clear data is erroneous when the application is finished on specific conditions after defeating Gwyn, Lord of Cinder.
  • Fixed a bug in which messages are not displayed to other players on asynchronous online.
  • Fixed a bug in which session matching stops during online mode when the player fails to join the session where blocked players are playing.
  • Fixed a bug in which the number of Estus Flask possessions is not displayed properly when you return by Black Separation Crystal.
  • Improved the security against cheating during online multiplayer.
  • Fixed a bug in which players become invisible during online multiplayer.

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