Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice – Patch 1.01 erschienen

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Ninja Theory hat das erste großen Update für ihre eigenes Projekt ‚Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice‘ veröffentlicht, welches das Spiel auf die Version 1.01 hievt.

Mit diesem werden zahlreiche Fehler optimiert, die seit dem Release aufgefallen sind, einschließlich Probleme beim Fortschritt, Korrekturen bei den Untertiteln, Audioproblemen und mehr. Alle Details dazu findet ihr folgend:

Changelog 1.01

  • Fixed a potential progression stopping bug in the Fenrir Cave by the ‘M’ rune door puzzle.
  • Fixed a potential progression stopping bug in Fenrir Cave due to check pointing after skipping a lit region.
  • Fixed potential progression stopping bug in Fenrir Cave if player fails to collect floor rune after combat and subsequently dies.
  • Fixed collision issues that could allow players to unintentionally exit the game world.
  • Various subtitle localisation fixes across a number of languages.
  • Fixed an issue where key bindings and run toggle were not being saved between game sessions on PC.
  • Fixed an issue where the menu would not load on start up on PC.
  • In addition to bug fixes, combat gameplay has been tweaked and Russian subtitles added to the Hellblade feature.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen if two Keep Guard enemies are standing close to each other and one dies.
  • Russian subtitles for the Hellblade feature have been added.
  • Fixed an issue where the audio would be out of sync with the Hellblade feature if it has been paused for an extended period of time.
  • Fixed an issue where the Baldr Masks in the Tower Shard level are white on the inside.
  • Fixed scenarios resulting in unlit geometry after reloading from checkpoint.
  • Fixed a potential progression stopping bug in the Fenrir Cave by the ‘M’ rune door puzzle.
  • Fixed potential progression stopping bug in Fenrir Cave due to check pointing after skipping a lit region.
  • Fixed potential progression stopping bug in Fenrir Cave if player fails to collect floor rune after combat and subsequently dies.
  • Fixed collision issues that could allow players to unintentionally exit the game world.
  • Fixed audio cut-out issues.
  • Added audio cues for hidden faces.
  • Fixed audio hard cut at the end of various cut scenes.
  • Fixes for audio lip sync issues.
  • Audio balancing fixes.
  • Various subtitle localisation fixes across a number of languages.

Combat Tweaks


  • Adjusted automatic difficulty enemy health scaling and Senua’s damage taken/given modifiers.


  • Increased damage value of certain combo finisher attacks.
  • Adjusted rate of combat focus resource build-up in Hard difficulty mode or higher.
  • Fixed issue with stinger animated cameras popping if the same attack was repeated.

Warrior Enemy

  • Warriors now have an increased chance of evading certain heavy attacks.
  • Fixed missing sound effects on certain reactions.

Protector Enemy

  • Health values have been lowered.
  • Will now remain vulnerable for longer after his shield guard has been broken.

Keep Guard Enemy

  • Fixed a potential crash bug if Keep Guard enemies are standing close together and one of them dies.
  • Tweaked rotation rate during certain attack windups.
  • Fixed missing sound effects on certain attacks.


  • Fixed an issue where Surtr was able to throw Senua outside of the arena.


  • Fixed an issue where Valravn could not be damaged while in Focus for certain combos.
  • Parried projectiles will now remove shadow state on hit.


  • Health values have been adjusted.
  • Fixed issue where certain attack were not dealing damage correctly to Fenrir.
  • Revenant Enemy
  • Adjusted slide properties for certain attacks.
  • Adjusted cooldown for parry and evade defensive actions.
  • Parried projectiles will now remove shadow state on hit.

Photo Mode

  • Fixed an issue where motion blur is applied to object incorrectly during Photo Mode.
  • Removed the second slider that did nothing when cycling through the Effects tab.
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