Just Cause 2 – Patch 1.02 verfügbar

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
1 Min Read

Die Avalanche Studios haben den Patch 1.02 (24MB) für Just Cause 2 veröffentlicht, der beim nächsten Spielstart zum Download angeboten wird und diverse Fehler korrigiert.


  • YouTube movies are now set to „Public“ as default.
  • YouTube movies have a new identifier tag.
  • Fixed issues that would cause vehicles and people would stop spawning.Enemies will not fire on the player while they are struggling with an enemy on a vehicle.
  • Improved button response when switching fire buttons to R1/L1.
  • Increased the presence of the Vanderbildt Leisure Liner.
  • Numerous stability improvements.

Quelle: Eidos


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