Metal Gear Online – Update 1.12 erscheint morgen

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Konami wird am morgigen Dienstag das Update 1.12 für ‚Metal Gear Online‘ veröffentlichen, wie man über die neuste Ausgabe der Designer Notes bekannt gibt.

Zu den größten Neuerungen gehört diesmal unter anderem, dass beim Missionsabschluss angezeigt wird, ob man im Rang gestiegen oder gefallen ist, zwischen dem Diving gibt es nun eine kleine Pause, sowie sind Sprints danach kürzer als eine Art Erschöpfung. Weiterhin wird die Verbindungsqualität anderer Spieler angezeigt und weiteres, was ihr im offiziellen Changelog nachlesen könnt.

Update 1.12 Designer Notes

Unique Characters

  • Quiet can no longer be interrogated.


  • Rank increase and decrease are now displayed in the mission results.


  • Score has been adjusted for each mission.
  • Assist score will no longer be granted when woken up by a comrade after putting yourself into sleep or stun status.

Damage Adjustments

  • Increased damage output from the SVG-76 and M2000-D.
  • Reduced the knockback and firing rate of the URAGAN-5.
  • Increased stamina damage when landing onto enemy players from a height.
  • Reduced stamina damage from cardboard box attacks and low kicks.

Balance Adjustments

  • DEMOLITION+ Lv.2 will no longer trigger a thrown weapon to drop when killed by a knife.
  • After diving, there is now a delay before you can dive again.
  • Sprint duration is now temporarily reduced after diving.
  • Crawling out of a cardboard box when prone will no longer produce noise.


  • Each player’s network connection quality will now be displayed.
  • Team creation in AUTOMATCH will now be prioritized for balanced number of players across both teams over preset party on a single team.
  • The Rush Mode option is now removed from the mission selection screen in AUTOMATCH (except Xbox360)
  • Rush Mode will now occur in random frequency
  • A combat log will now be displayed when a player is fulton saved or woken up from sleep or stun status by an ally.
  • The time bonus XP for the SABOTAGE mission has been adjusted.


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