Overwatch – Patch 1.04 für PS4 verfügbar

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
4 Min Read

Blizzard hat den Patch 1.04 für ihrem Team-Shooter  ‚Overwatch‘ veröffentlicht, der nun auch hier das Competitive nachliefert. Darüber hinaus wurde aber auch zahlreiche weitere Optimierungen vorgenommen.

Die Ranglistenmatches sind für diejenigen konzipiert, die ihre Fähigkeiten voll austesten möchten, und sie sind in vielerlei Hinsicht eine ernstere Angelegenheit als unsere Spielmodi Schnellsuche und Brawl der Woche. Damit alle Spieler in diesem Modus auch über das nötige Verständnis der Spielmechaniken, Karten und Helden verfügen, wird er erst ab Stufe 25 freigeschaltet. Alle Details zum Competitive Play hatte Blizzard bereits in dieser Woche ausführlich vorgestellt.

Changelog Patch 1.04



  • Players can now swap the left and right sticks on a control pad
  • “Legacy” controls option has been added:
    • Left stick up/down moves forward/backward
    • Left stick left/right turns left/right
    • Right stick up/down aims up/down (these can be inverted)
    • Right stick left/right strafes left/right
    • Sticks can also be switched
  • Improved dead-zone controls, giving players increased accuracy during off-center and diagonal stick movement
  • Added an option to adjust Aim Assist strength (defaults to full strength)


  • “Weapons” section added to the Hero Gallery
  • Added McCree as an AI hero in Practice vs. AI, Play vs. AI, and Custom Game modes
  • Disabled “Avoid This Player” functionality and removed option from the game UI



  • Peacekeeper
    • Alternate Fire
      • Recovery time (i.e. the amount of time before McCree starts reloading) decreased from 0.75 seconds to 0.3 seconds
      • Bullet damage decreased from 70 to 45


  • Widow’s Kiss
    • Alternate Fire (Scoped Shot)
      • Base damage decreased from 15 to 12
        • Note: Scoped shot damage multiplier remains unchanged
      • Headshot damage multiplier increased from 2x to 2.5x
      • Players must now wait for the unscoping animation to completely finish before scoping
  • Infra-Sight
    • Ultimate cost increased by 10%
    • When activating Infra-Sight, Widowmaker’s voice line will now be audible map-wide
  • Fixed a bug preventing players from being able to leave as a group
  • Fixed a bug that would cause players’ weapons to auto-snap straight up or down when the crosshair was aimed between 85 and 90 degrees
  • Fixed a bug that caused players who backfilled and then completed a game to sometimes receive a loss on their Career Profile and not receive their XP bonus for backfilling
  • Fixed a bug that would move players toward the source of a knockback rather than away from it
  • Fixed a bug that caused Hearthstone-themed sprays to ignore localization
  • Fixed several framerate issues that could occur when cycling through the hero selection menu
  • Fixed a variety of issues with and made several improvements to ambient lighting
  • Made some improvements to how AI heroes respond to one another
  • Made a variety of performance and optimization improvements across the game


  • Players can no longer be resurrected in out-of-play areas on Ilios
  • Fixed an issue with collision on certain areas of Dorado not blocking line of sight


  • Fixed a bug with the “Junkrat RIP-Tire Kills—Average” lifetime statistic
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to gain Ultimate charge whenever damage boosting an ally who was attacking a barrier or Ice Wall
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Reaper to Shadow Step to unintended locations on certain maps
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause projectiles to hit Reinhardt instead of his Barrier Field
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Torbjörn to pick up Scrap while dead


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