Rainbow Six Siege – ‚Mid-Season Reinforcements‘ Update online

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
5 Min Read

Nach rund der Halbzeit im DLC-Fahrplan zu ‚Rainbow Six Siege‘ veröffentlichte Ubisoft heute das ‚Mid-Season Reinforcements‘ Update zum Taktik-Shooter.

Mit diesem werden zahlreiche Änderungen bei den drei Operators durchgeführt, es gibt neue Gadgets, Attachments, Anpassungen bei den Waffen, sowie wurden diverse Bugs behoben. Diese Art von Updates werden auch zukünftig erscheinen, von denen man glaubt, dass sie das Spiel kontinuierlich verbessern, einschließlich der Berücksichtigung des Feedbacks der Spieler.

Alle Änderungen des Mid-Season Reinforcements Updates könnt ihr im folgenden Changelog nachlesen:


  • FIXED – Various animation issues can occur with weapons when starting the Drone pick-up animation and then canceling.
  • FIXED – On PC, the Walk\Run stances can be switched by pressing TAB while holding ALT.
  • FIXED – Light coming from outside the building will hinder the player looking outside from inside during gameplay.
  • FIXED – When a player spawns in a collision spot or stops walking in a collision spot, their aim will be reset to the center of the screen.
  • FIXED – It is possible to shoot through a small gap between Reinforced Walls when they are deployed adjacent to each other, but on opposite sides of the wall.
  • FIXED – Aim reverts to an initial position after the user tries to aim at another target.

Level Design

  • FIXED – There is a LOD issue present in 1F Lobby.


  • FIXED – The flag hung above the northern wall of the 1F Bar remains rigid after falling.


  • FIXED – LOD issue with window frame at EXT Football Pitch.
  • FIXED – There is a LOD issue with the red wall at 2F Aunt’s Hall.
  • FIXED – The base along the breachable wall section at 2F Football Apt does not destroy when breached.
  • FIXED – There is a lightning issue present at EXT Back Alley.


  • FIXED – The surveillance camera from the Coast Guard Hallway is destroyed when reinforcing a nearby wall.
  • FIXED – It is possible to vault inside the White Vans with a Deployable Shield.


  • FIXED – Arms will clip through the Operator’s body when zooming with a pistol equipped.

Death Cam Replay

  • FIXED – Various issues with blood graphics occur in the Death Cam replay.


  • FIXED – The Skull Rain and Ceifador headgear will display Capitao’s name on Caveira’s uniform.
  • FIXED – A banned player will sometimes have access to online multiplayer.
  • FIXED – There is no shield displayed when previewing a Charm for a Shield Operator.
  • FIXED – The Laser Sight attachment shows the laser in first person view.
  • FIXED – Diamond Ranked players are not receiving the Diamond Charm for Season 2 Ranked.

Terrorist Hunt

  • FIXED – The game sometimes freezes when a Bomber detonates.
  • FIXED – AI will remain stuck when coming for the hostage.
  • FIXED – The “Defend the Defuser” indicator is misaligned with the indicator circle.
  • FIXED – The bomb timer and objective marker do not disappear from the HUD during the death replay.

Ubisoft Club

  • FIXED – There is a display issue that shows unavailable challenges as available.


  • FIXED – When a player is banned from ranked, there is no text shown on top of the red line on the main menu screen.
  • FIXED – The hours and minutes are swapped when looking at the Time Played stat in the Details & Statistics page of an operator in the Album.
  • FIXED – Players find it difficult to determine who is alive and dead. [More contrast has been added in 4.2]
  • FIXED – Mono-chrome universal weapon skins have a thin white border.

Winning Team Showcase

  • FIXED – The Operator’s hand is offset from the gun.


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