Schon kurz nach dem Release hat DICE das erste große Update zu ‚Battefield 1‘ veröffentlicht, mit dem nochmals diverse Fehler korrigiert werden.
Dazu zählen diverse Crashes, Probleme mit dem Interface, beim Beitreten eines Multiplayer-Matches oder fehlende Dog Tags. Was sich alles genau ändert, hat man mit einem offiziellen Changelog festgehalten.
- Fix for one common and one uncommon client crash.
- Fixed a potential soft freeze in single player campaign connected to AI.
- Fixed an issue where players experienced getting stuck in the globe screen when cancelling matchmaking.
- Fixed an issue when trying to join multiple servers.
- Fixed an issue where players experienced weapon skins not being removed when scrapping items.
- Fixed an issue where players were missing “The Insider” Dog Tag.
- Tweaked calculations of values in End of Round.
- Xbox One: Fix for the “Trench Raider” Dog Tag not unlocking on Xbox One.
User Interface
- Fixed two issues in the “Through Mud and Blood” War Story where no new objectives would appear.
- Fixed an issue where players experienced wrong info in loading screen.
- Fixed an issue where players were missing the Dog Tag counter.
- Fixed an issue where English text would appear for players in non-English regions.
- Fixed an issue where players experienced a placeholder image when opening the Operations menu for the first time.
- Fixed an issue where players experienced End of Round screen not loading.
- Fixed a crash related to soldier animation.
- Fixed a graphical glitch when exiting a War Story and going to the main menu.
- Fixed an issue where players experienced player icon overlapping while matchmaking on console
TAGGED:Battlefield 1