DayZ – Update 1.04 erscheint heute, Patch Notes verfügbar (Update)

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Gespannt warten PS4 und Xbox One Spieler auf den Patch 1.04 für ‚DayZ‘, der ein paar interessante Neuerungen mit sich bringt. Die Veröffentlichung könnte nun kurz bevorstehen.

Wie Entwickler Bohemia Interactive auf Twitter mitteilt, finden aktuell noch Wartungsarbeiten an den PS4 und Xbox One Servern statt. Diese könnten ein Vorbote auf den Patch 1.04 sein, der dann unmittelbar danach oder in den kommenden Tagen folgt. Anfang der Woche war man damit noch etwas zurückhaltend, da es zu Verzögerungen beim Submission-Prozess kam, der einen Release des Updates in dieser Woche nicht mehr garantieren konnte. Welche Neuerungen damit anstehen, verrät man noch einmal in Detail weiter unten:

Das Update zielt auf einen kompletten Server- und Character Wipe ab, ebenso möchte man dann private Lobbies anbieten. Zudem arbeitet man stets an der Performance und versucht so viele Fehler wie möglich zu beheben. Dazu gehört:

  • Erweitertes Gesundheitssystem – Wir haben es in 1.04 verbessert und werden den Ausgleich fortsetzen. Gegenwärtig werden wir uns jedoch nicht dazu verpflichten, ein komplexes medizinisches / verletzungsbedingtes Gameplay zu implementieren – obwohl dies von vielen Hardcore-Spielern gewünscht wird, bemühen wir uns immer noch, der Mehrheit der Spieler die Komplexität des bestehenden Systems vollständig zu erklären. In Zukunft arbeiten wir an einer guten Balance zwischen Authentizität und Zugänglichkeit.
  • Neue Inhalte (Waffen, Autos usw.) – Wie ihr wisst, haben wir einige davon bereits hinzugefügt. Weitere werden folgen, aber denkt daran, dass es davon abhängt, wie schnell wir die diesjährigen Ziele erreichen können.
  • Modding-Unterstützung – Wir werden die Benutzererfahrung sowohl für Modder als auch für Spieler verbessern. Zum Beispiel werden wir bald Unterstützung für das Animationstool bringen.
  • Stabiles Basisgebäude – Ein großer Teil davon ist die Frage des Ausgleichs und eines unserer Hauptziele für das Jahr.

Weitere Infos zu DayZ und dem Patch 1.04 werden in Kürze erwartet.

Update: Bohemia Interactive hat bestätigt, dass das Update 1.04 die Zertifizierung erfolgreich durchlaufen hat und in der nächsten Woche ausgeliefert wird.

Update: In einem weiteren Tweet bestätigt man heute, dass der Patch 1.04 am morgigen Mittwoch ausgeliefert wird. Außerdem erinnert man damit noch einmal an den kompletten Character & Server Wipe.

Update: Inzwischen sind auch die Patch Notes zum Update 1.04 verfügbar.



  • Added: Ability to browse and join private servers
  • Added: Localization for traditional and simplified Chinese
  • Added: Japanese localization
  • Added: Polish localization
  • Added: New vehicle Gunter 2 with its attachments
  • Added: VSS rifle with its attachments
  • Added: KA-74 with attachments
  • Added: KA-101 with attachments
  • Added: Bayonets for KA, M4-A1, Mosin 91/30 and SK 59/66
  • Added: P1-87-L Scope
  • Added: Backup Iron Sights (BUIS)
  • Added: Baraka sights
  • Added: PSO-1-1 Scope, designed for the VSS rifle
  • Added: 5.45x39mm ammunition
  • Added: 9×39 ammunition
  • Added: 9×39 armor-piercing ammunition
  • Added: Tracer ammunition (5.45×39, 5.56×45, 7.62×39, 7.62x54R, .308WIN)
  • Added: Firearms Melee Attacks with pistols, buttstocks, and bayonets
  • Added: Independent shoulders (possibility to carry two ranged/melee weapons at the same time)
  • Added: Throwing of items
  • Added: Grenades (EGD-5 and 6-M7 frag grenades, 1-M8 and EGD-2 smoke grenades, 8-M4 Flashbang)
  • Added: Night Vision Goggles (NVG)
  • Added: NVG head strap
  • Added: NVG can be attached to Tactical Helmet
  • Added: Universal Flashlight can be attached to Tactical Helmet
  • Added: Hand saw
  • Added: 4-dial Combination Lock
  • Added: Strawberry Jam
  • Added: Handheld Transceiver and Glow Stick attachments on backpacks
  • Added: “You are here” marker on each tourist trail map stand
  • Added: Quantity bar for energy based items and fireplace
  • Added: Baseball/nailed bat
  • Added: Sounds for death animations
  • Added: Sounds for suicide animations
  • Added: Lock/unlock sound for doors
  • Added: Sounds for prone animation with a rifle in hands
  • Added: One male and one female character sound set
  • Added: Different character sounds when wearing certain headgear (e.g Combat Gas Mask, Motorbike Helmet)
  • Added: Character sounds for male characters wearing a gag
  • Added: Player can hear his voice when talking through a megaphone, PAS (when receiver is nearby) or transmitter (when more than one on the same frequency nearby)
  • Added: Positional rain sounds for the Coal Plant
  • Added: Wooden Crate (crafted)
  • Added: Sliding down a ladder without gloves (or ruined gloves) can cause a bleeding source, gloves receive damage
  • Added: Music in the Main Menu
  • Added: Vomit emote/gesture
  • Added: Mitigation of so-called server hopping on public hives (when a player changes server, a hopping spawn point is used instead of the last log off position)
  • Added: Support for multiple sets of player spawn points (only for public hives, currently fresh and hop sets available)
  • Added: Fever now causes dehydration
  • Added: Epinephrine restores the patients’ stamina to its max value
  • Added: Codeine Pills mitigate the patients’ injured state for a limited time
  • Added: Morphine suppresses the patients’ injured state for a limited time
  • Added: Charcoal Tablets can eliminate Salmonella bacteria
  • Added: Check Pulse action now displays the blood pressure and pulse type if irregular
  • Added: Stamina is depleted if a player is hit by a Flashbang
  • Added: Shoes gradually wear off while using
  • Added: Infected sometimes spawn with headgear, vests, and backpacks
  • Added: Flare effect around the Road Flare


  • Fixed: Duplicated items after joining friends online session
  • Fixed: Player gets stuck in server browser after hosting Play Together while Game turned off
  • Fixed: Client crash when player logs out of PS4 and then logs back in
  • Fixed: Seats aren’t adjustable from within the car
  • Fixed: Hair clipping with headgear
  • Fixed: Jammed weapons still created gun shots for other players
  • Fixed: ClockHour and clockMinute animation sources now synchronize with the accelerated time
  • Fixed: Breath vapor should now properly handle temperatures lower than its lower range threshold
  • Fixed: Torch displaying “pieces” as quantity
  • Fixed: Universal Light and Pistol Light, Road Flare and flashlight now face forward when dropped, not sideways
  • Fixed: Infected can attack player through walls
  • Fixed: Car/Truck battery were invisible when attached to Battery Charger
  • Fixed: Player could not drink from pumps with item in hands
  • Fixed: Weapons barrel hiding while using optics
  • Fixed: Headlights could not be detached
  • Fixed: Rangefinder displayed incorrect distance
  • Fixed: Barbed Wire was not visible on Fence after mounting
  • Fixed: Player could jump with heavy items in hands
  • Fixed: It was not possible to loot dead body in car
  • Fixed: There was no sound when mounting the barbed wire with pliers
  • Fixed: Character could not perform actions after a magazine was detached from a weapon
  • Fixed: AI could teleport, visually appear where it was not positioned or be positioned at roofs
  • Fixed: AI herds were not releasing the territory after the last member of the herd died (could prevent AI herds from re-spawning on smaller terrains with a lower number of territories)
  • Fixed: Incorrect visual state of the speedometer
  • Fixed: Liquid contents of the barrel do not persist upon server restart
  • Fixed: Character started to float in some sections of small rivers
  • Fixed: Punching walls was emitting unsuitable bullet impact particles
  • Fixed: Spotlight had a hole where the reflector part should be
  • Fixed: Opening/Closing of car doors was missing sounds
  • Fixed: Character stamina did not replenish correctly when reduced by the gear
  • Fixed: Action to eat pumpkin slices was missing
  • Fixed: Missing footsteps sound while strafing with a heavy item in hands
  • Fixed: Gas Stations can be blown up again
  • Fixed: Combination locks couldn’t be opened upon server restart


  • Tweaked: Ladders on deer stands should be easier to get on
  • Tweaked: Improved Road Flare particles
  • Tweaked: Torch no longer illuminates the world during daytime
  • Tweaked: Muzzle flash illumination range at night increased from 5m to 15m
  • Tweaked: Improved variability of the muzzle flash particle for the VSD and LAR rifles
  • Tweaked: Improved visibility of the blood splatter particle
  • Tweaked: Smoke particles on weapons
  • Tweaked: Decreased lethal radius of the landmines
  • Changed: Unified unlocking behaviour for house doors (using Lock pick or brute force)
  • Tweaked: Inventory icons for bladed weapons, food and drinks
  • Tweaked: Projectiles damage
  • Tweaked: Land Mine activation/explosion sounds
  • Changed: Jumping is disabled when a player is significantly injured
  • Tweaked: The output of sawing planks from Lumber Pile is now triple
  • Tweaked: Reversing with a car now subtly illuminates the area behind it, allowing drivers to see there at night
  • Tweaked: The connection timer is now up to 95 seconds in case of rapid server hopping. In connection to this change, the previous database locks have been removed
  • Tweaked: Player spawn logic for avoiding water surfaces
  • Tweaked: Gunshot sounds are audible up to 3.5 km
  • Tweaked: Improved plaster and concrete impact particle effects
  • Tweaked: Bullet impact effects are scaled by impact force much more visible now
  • Tweaked: The Portable Gas Lamp now burns 10x longer (~55 minutes with the smallest container, ~133 with the largest one)
  • Tweaked: Optimized muzzle flash particles for CR-61, FX-45, CR-75, IJ-70


  • NVGs and helmet lights cannot be switched on
  • Swapping items between your hands and the inventory of a corpse can result in items being stuck in the corpse’s inventory.
  • Opening the Online Tab in the “You are dead” screen gets the game stuck.
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