Fallout 4 – Update 1.7 erschienen, Live Stream zu Nuka World angekündigt

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
2 Min Read

In Vorbereitung auf den finalen Fallout 4 DLC ‚Nuka World‘ hat Bethesda das Update 1.7 auf allen Plattformen veröffentlicht. Darüber hinaus wurden zahlreiche Fehlerkorrekturen umgesetzt, jedoch fehlt weiterhin die Unterstützung der Mods auf PS4.

In einem aktuellen Statement von Bethesda´s Pete Hines heißt es hierzu, dass man nichts zu den Mods ankündigen wird, bevor nicht der Zertifizierungsprozess bei Sony abgeschlossen ist. Somit kann man sich zunächst noch voll und ganz dem Nuka World DLC widmen. Diesen stellt Bethesda zudem am morgigen Dienstag in einem Live Stream vor.

Changelog Update 1.7

Neue Features

  • Support for Nuka-World
  • New store art type for Workshop settlements
  • Ability to delete Add Ons without doing a full uninstall (PS4)


  • General optimization and stability improvements
  • Jun and Marcy Long are no longer essential after completing “Sanctuary”
  • Vendors can offer large shipments of Ceramic, Copper, Rubber, Steel and Wood
  • Improvements to accuracy and control with picking up and placing objects (not Workshop mode)
  • Grenades and molotov cocktails can now be used with the Junk Mortar (Contraptions)
  • Fixed issue with companions unequipping clothing when fast traveling with player
  • Fixed an issue with player animations not loading properly after reloading a saved game
  • Fixed issue where certain dog armors would not equip properly on Dogmeat
  • Fixed an issue where objects from Add Ons would not scrap correctly or would not be stored properly
  • Fixed infinite load that would occasionally occur while logging off while downloading a mod
  • Fixed a crash related to investing in a store while trading
  • Fixed issue where “Quartermastery” would send player to erroneous locations
  • Fixed performance issues related to dropping certain weapons
  • Fixed issue where melee weapon would not properly after dying and reloading the save
  • Fixed a rare issue where Sturges and Mama Murphy would stop moving
  • Fixed snapping issue with Surgery Center in Workshop mode
  • Fixed an issue with falling through moving platforms when pausing the game
  • Fixed rare performance issue when equipping certain items in Pip-Boy


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