Far Cry: New Dawn jetzt erhältlich, Day One Patch ist live

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
6 Min Read

Mit dem heutigen Release von ‚Far Cry: New Dawn‘ steht auch der Day One Patch in den Startlöchern, der noch einmal diverse Korrekturen an dem Open-World Shooter vornimmt.

Diese erstrecken sich über alle Bereiche im Spiel, darunter der Spielwelt, dem UI, den Ubisoft Club Rewards, den Missionen und vieles mehr. Unter anderem wurde ein Fehler behoben, bei dem einige Fahrzeuge nicht erworben werden konnten oder wo in bestimmten Situationen keine Take-Down möglich war. Alle Details dazu verrät euch der offizielle Changelog.

Eindrücke zum Spiel selbst verrät euch außerdem unser aktuelles Review, das noch einmal bescheinigt, dass kaum ein anderer Publisher das Open-World Genre so beherrscht wie Ubisoft, ebenso, wie man damit sinnvoll an Far Cry 5 anknüpfen konnte.


  • Fixed an issue where the player would keep some weapons in his inventory during specific missions.
  • Added a missing underwater effect during some missions.
  • Fixed an issue where enemy AIs could occasionally get stuck during specific activities.
  • Fixed an issue with an AI running away too early in a specific mission.
  • Fixed an exploit where the player could enter a VIP room by another location.
  • Fixed an issue where finishing two specific missions at the same time could prevent one of them from ever completing.
  • Fixed an issue where the client would spawn in the floor if he connected at the wrong moment during a specific mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would not receive some radio calls under specific conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could see an NPC weapon passing through their model in a specific mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the completion of a mission if another mission was active at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue where a warning message was missing when an ally needed help during a specific mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would find himself stuck outside of homebase during a specific mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent a mission from failing and restarting even if the fail conditions were met.
  • Fixed an issue where some shaders were missing if the player loaded the game with only the launch portion installed.
  • Fixed an issue where debug text would appear in the screen instead of the correct tip with alternative driving controls.


  • Adjusted precondition on some of the NPCs lines in the homebase.


  • Fixed an issue where some corpses would not be replicated correctly for the client.
  • Fixed an issue where an alarm prop could spawn inside another prop in a specific location.
  • Fixed an issue where some trees and rocks would disappear and reappear in a specific location.


  • Fixed an issue where the red icons for enemies would not be displayed correctly in the compass.
  • Fixed an issue where the client could get a visual cue as if he could upgrade infrastructures in the homebase.
  • Adjusted icons for certain expedition rewards.
  • Fixed an issue where interaction prompt could become invisible.
  • Fixed an issue where some splash screens would remain stuck on the client’s screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the client could not see the host’s health bar if the host was low on health.
  • Fixed a visual issue where the health bar was not properly centered in its box.
  • Fixed an issue where the progression panels were missing when zooming out of the map.
  • Fixed an issue where text to speech would slow the navigation in some menues.
  • Fixed an issue where detection meters would stay on screen after the enemy’s death.


  • Fixed several issues where the audio from main menu would keep playing in other menues.


  • Fixed several issues with different Ubisoft Club rewards.
  • Fixed an issue where a specific vehicle was not available for purchase in the menu store.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the client from being able to perform takedowns.


  • Fixed an issue where the player could end up being unable to use a melee weapons.
  • Fixed some weapons textures and special effects.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the player from upgrading a specific weapon.


  • Fixed an issue where the game speed would be affected by changing the time of day in photomode during a specific mission.


  • Fixed an issue where Timber’s eyes would not appear the same at night.


  • Fixed an issue where subtitle text size would reset.


  • Updated some trophies’ titles.


  • Fixed connectivity issues after unplugging and replugging LAN cable.


  • Fixed several stability issues with general gameplay.
  • Fixed several stability issues caused by some expedition rewards.
  • Fixed a stability issue caused by some outfits.
  • Fixed a stability issue with the loot system.

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