Friday the 13th: The Game – Teaser-Video zur neuen Map & Patch Notes (Update)

Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
4 Min Read

Gun Media und Illfonic stellen heute eine neue Karte in ‚Friday the 13th: The Game‘ in Aussicht und präsentieren dazu ein kurzes Teaser-Video.

Fans des asymmetrischen Multiplayer-Titels können sich demnach in Kürze auf das Jarvis House freuen, das aus dem finalen Kapitel der Filmserie stammt. Obendrauf gibt es das passende Jason Outfit spendiert. Das besondere an der neuen Map ist, dass diese offenbar bei stürmischem Wetter angesiedelt ist, was der Umgebung nochmals eine besondere Atmosphäre verleiht. Das neue Outfit verleiht Jason zudem neuen Stats und Kills, die ihn deutlich von den vorherigen Versionen unterscheiden.

Parallel dazu arbeitet Gun Media auch weiterhin an Patches und Updates für das Spiel, ebenso steht schon bald die Veröffentlichung der Disc-Version und der Singleplayer-Kampagne bevor.

Wann die neue Map verfügbar sein wird, verrät Gun Media jetzt noch nicht. Allzu lange dürfte diese aber nicht mehr auf sich warten lassen.


Inzwischen sind auch die Patch Notes für das kommende Update eingetroffen, die ihr unterhalb des Videos findet.

Perk Fixes (Fixed Internally)

  • We have internal fixes for Grease Monkey, Heavy Hitter, Man at Arms, and Tinker. QA has verified them and they should be in the next patch.
  • If people find issues with any other Perks let me know

PhD for Murder (In Verification)

  • We have a fix for XB1 and Steam not working; QA is verifying on both platforms but its going to take a little bit before I know for sure if its fixed or not.

Pocket Knife Fixes (Fixed Internally)

  • Additional fixes for the spam kill exploit.

Stun Locking Jason (Fixed Internally)

  • We found an issue where the Stun Timer was being doubled…opps, its fixed internally and will be rolled out with the next patch.

Jason Stun Animation (Fixed Internally)

  • We found an issue where after Jason was stunned but hit again it was breaking the Stun Animation/Pose making it appear Jason was no longer stunned when he actually was.

Grand Slam Jason (Fixed Internally)

  • We fixed a number of issues where Counselors could knock Jason across the map…it may still happen occasionally but it should not happen as often anymore.

Male Counselor Voices  (In Verification)

  • Fixed an issue where male counselors were using the same sound files…we checked it in late last night so we need QA to verify its working now.

Misc Audio (In Verification)

  • Fixed an issue where certain audio was being heard across the map

Windows and Doors (In Verification)

  • This will be a little longer…
  • We found an issue where Jason was only inflicting damage to the first object he hit…this was causing Door Breaking and Window Breaking to happen inconsistently as Jason would more often than not hit the Cabin before hitting the Door or Window.
  • This was also causing a number of other issues; Counselors not being hit when they should have been, objects not being hit when they should have been, Counselors not breaking counselors out of a choke, etc.
  • This was also having an unintended side effect of allowing counselors to gang up on Jason knowing he could only hit one counselor…he can now cause damage to multiple counselors at once…beware

Performance (In Progress)

  • This is a big one that we are currently trying to track down.

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