Killlzone: Shadow Fall – Details zum Patch 1.12

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
2 Min Read

Parallel zur Veröffentlichung des ‚The Insurgent Packs‘ in dieser Woche zu ‚Killzone: Shadow Fall‘ hat Entwickler Guerilla Games den Patch 1.12 für das Spiel veröffentlicht.

Dieser behebt zahlreiche Fehler in der Singleplayer-Kampagne, sowie hat man weitere Features umgesetzt, einschließlich der Anzeige der aktuellen Verbindungsqualität. Alle neuen Änderungen hat man zusätzlich in einem Changelog festgehalten:

  • You can now view your connection quality in the scoreboard. Open it with the Touchpad while in-game.
  • You can also view your connection quality in the options menu. Press options and use R1 to switch to the connection tab.
  • Finally, you can view your connection quality next to your name on the right side of the screen in the main multiplayer menu.
  • Added Class distribution on the spawn screen
  • You can now view the class distribution in the loadout section of the spawn screen.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed progression issue in Chapter 1 (The Father)
  • Fixed dropship issue in Chapter 2 (The Shadow), Section 3
  • Fixed death loop issue in Chapter 7 (The Handler), Section 1
  • Fixed closed doors in Chapter 7 (The Handler), Section 4
  • Fixed streaming issue in Chapter 8 (The Dead), Section
  • Fixed mobile scan unit issue in Chapter 9 (The Destroyer), Section 1:


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