Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Neuer Patch erscheint nächste Woche, exklusives Spider-Man Outfit

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
4 Min Read

Capcom veröffentlicht in der kommenden Woche einen neuen Patch für ‚Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite‘, der in erster Linie umfassendes Bug Fixing vornimmt.

Insbesondere die Charaktere Dante, Captain America, Dormammu und Doctor Strange profitieren davon, wie der offizielle Changelog dazu verrät, den ihr weiter unten findet.

Darüber hinaus wurde ein exklusives Spider-Man Homecoming Outfit angekündigt, das man erhält, wenn man die digitale Version des Films ausleiht. Momentan ist das Outfit nur für Xbox One angekündigt, könnte für PS4 allerdings noch folgen. Einen Vorgeschmack darauf liefert euch das folgende Video.

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Patch


  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to block during the last frame of crouching block recovery.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a connection error to occur when continuously performing successful grabs in an online match.
  • Increased throw invincibility during air recovery from 3F to 5F.
  • Fixed comboing into another combo using the Mind Surge throw.

When an opponent has been hit by three special “grab” projectiles in a single combo, they will automatically be affected by a spiral hit stun, causing them to be invincible and sent into the air. Players can also counter tag out of these attacks.

Affected moves:

  • Spider-Man – LP/HP Web Ball (including air versions)
  • Frank – LK/HK Hammer Throw
  • Can perform air recovery in eight directions when recovering from certain unique hits in the air.
  • Affected moves:
  • Dante – Bee Hive
  • Chun-Li – Spinning Bird Kick (including air version), Kikosho, Hoyokusen
  • Chris – Sweep Combo
  • Doctor Strange – Bolts of Balthakk

Characters changes (all platforms)

Dante: Fixed a bug when taking damage during Tempest that caused Dante’s position to change from the location where he took that damage.

Captain America

  • Fixed bug(s) so that properties of moves without the shield match those with the shield. (ex: forward jumping during forward ground dash without the shield did not have dash momentum)
  • Fixed a bug causing backflip (without shield) to be invincible from start up.
  • Fixed a bug that caused his back ground throw to not do damage and had a shorter knockback distance.
  • Fixed a bug where jumping forward during a back ground dash (with shield) had dash momentum.
  • Fixed a bug that caused him to not face the opponent when behind them while activating Charging Star and Hyper Charging Star.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to cancel Dark Spell: Creation after LK/HK Dark Hole with Flight.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to cancel Dark Spell: Creation after LK/HK Purification with Flight.

Doctor Strange

  • Fixed bug where when there are 3 Graces of Hoggoth HP traps on screen and Flames of the Faltine is used from a higher position, the fired laser VFX disappears.
  • Fixed bug causing one Grace of Hoggoth to remain on screen after activating Flames of the Faltine in certain situations.

Der Patch wird am 16. Oktober verfügbar sein, während am darauffolgenden Tag der erste Charakter Pass verfügbar sein wird, einschließlich Black Panther, Sigma, and Monster Hunter, die man kürzlich offiziell angekündigt hat.

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