Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty – Satter 3GB Patch 1.05 online

By Johannes Add a Comment
3 Min Read

Die Entwickler bei Oddworld Inhabitants haben einen umfassenden 3GB Patch (v1.05) zu ‚Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty‘ veröffentlicht, der ab sofort zum Download zur Verfügung steht.

Mit diesem setzt man alle Verbesserungen des unveröffentlichten Updates 1.04 um, einschließlich diverser Audiokorrekturen von Somatone, die ein reichhaltigeres Erlebnis versprechen. Das Update bereitet außerdem die Veröffentlichung des ‚Alf’s Escape DLC‘ vor, der noch in dieser Woche erscheint. Alle weiteren Änderungen hat Oddworld in einem offiziellen Changelog festgehalten.

  • Unresponsive Slogs
  • Fixes to Spirit Rings
  • Mines didn’t always trigger when Abe leaves a well
  • Bees were sometimes outside their hives
  • Slogs could sometimes become stuck in electric gates
  • Sligs would shoot at Mudokons when they should have been panicking
  • Chanting near natives made them angry
  • Shrykull didn’t continue to zap targets if you QuikSave
  • Slogs didn’t wake up after you QuikLoaded
  • Pulling the shut off valve at the end of the game too quickly broke the game ending
  • Abe’s chanting sound, birds and particles would sometimes disappear when opening a portal
  • Elum was sometimes frozen after a respawn
  • Mudokons would vocally respond too slowly when told to “follow me” “wait”
  • Lifts would continue to move after Abe had been killed
  • Abe was able to repeatedly trigger triggerboxes like levers, buttons and so on
  • Shrykull’s idle audio sometimes wouldn’t cut out after loading or respawning
  • It was possible to destroy chant suppressors behind collision
  • Chant suppressors were sometimes not turned on by Abe whilst riding Elum
  • Abe’s bird halo would sometimes appear after activating chime bells
  • There was no fart effect when riding Elum!
  • Sligs now say “What?” if you press Use and nothing’s in range
  • It was possible to turn electric gates off while Sligs were being electrocuted
  • A possible crash on completing the game to do with Boardroom explosions was fixed
  • Best Time leaderboards now record your Best Time, all the time
  • Game now checks for New ‘N’ Hasty trophy unlock conditions after completing any chapter
  • Fixed a crash for slogs failing to find a target after being commanded by Sligs
  • Fixed two potential “death loops” in a Free Fire Zone secret area


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