Wolfenstein: Youngblood – Patch 1.04 in Kürze, Vorschau auf 1.05

Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
5 Min Read

Bethesda wird in Kürze gleich zwei Updates für ‚Wolfenstein: Youngblood‘ veröffentlichen, mit denen man einige Optimierungen im gesamten Spiel vornimmt, darunter auch neue Features.

Mit dem Patch 1.04 wird es demnach dann möglich sein, das Spiel zu pausieren, sofern man sich im Offline-Mode befindet. Darüber hinaus gibt es visuelle Korrekturen, Optimierungen am Sound, dem Interface und mehr. Mit dem darauffolgenden Patch 1.05 werden dann zusätzliche Checkpoints eingeführt, die Schwierigkeit der Gegner wird angepasst, sowie die Vervollständigung des Spiels zu 100% vereinfacht.

Weitere Eindrücke aus Wolfenstein: Youngblood könnt ihr auch in unserem aktuellen Review nachlesen.

Patch 1.04 Highlights

Gameplay – All Platforms

  • Added ability to pause the game in OFFLINE mode only. Dev Note: Although we have tested this feature extensively, if you encounter any issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket.
  • Removed the ability to open padlocked doors from the wrong side, as this was causing some issues with mission progression
  • Client players will once again take normal damage from environmental explosions (fire extinguishers, fuel tanks, etc.)
  • Players will now correctly be able to catch friendly and enemy grenades after taking the Grenade God upgrade
  • Client players were having health and ammo fully restored in some circumstances after picking up a heavy weapon
  • Uberhammer projectiles will now explode properly under all conditions
  • Fixed an issue where one player could end up rotated in the wrong direction while interacting with elevator levers

Art and Graphics – All Platforms

  • Improved the animation when viewing your sister opening Shared Life crates (eliminates teleporting)
  • Fixed a variety of audio issues, including resolving audio dropouts after equipping the flashlight weapon upgrade on the Kugelgewehr

User Interface – All Platforms

  • The Protohund marker for “Destroy the Protohund” and “Collect the Box” missions will no longer appear on the minimap when the mission is not set to active
  • Opening the Journal while activating fast travel now interrupts fast travel. This corrects a variety of issues with loading and UI
  • Fixed a reticle issue that could cause your weapon crosshair in Wolfenstein: Youngblood to appear when playing the “classic” Wolfstone 3D arcade game in the Paris Catacombs
  • Corrected an issue that could cause “Call for Help” to not be available after using a Shared Life. “Call for Help” should now be available if the player is down but their sister is alive
  • Fixed an issue when performing certain actions while opening the in-game options menu that could cause the camera to become permanently tilted

Audio – All Platforms

  • Fixed a variety of audio issues, including resolving audio dropouts after equipping the flashlight weapon upgrade on the Kugelgewehr

Online Co-op – All Platforms

  • Fixed a network packet issue that could cause session disconnects when too many explosions occurred in co-op, resulting in players getting dropped from their co-op game
  • Resolved crash that could happen with the Client in a co-op game used Crush, then immediately performed a melee attack on the enemy

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes – All Platforms

  • Enemies will no longer float in midair next to the walkways in Lab X
  • The last used weapon was not being properly equipped when the player dropped a heavy weapon
  • Resolved issue where enemies could become stuck floating during the “Lothar and Juju’s trap” mission

Vorschau Patch 1.05

  • Additional checkpoints
  • Difficulty adjustments across the board, especially in boss fights
  • Addressing the feeling some players have expressed that some enemies feel like “bullet sponges”
  • Adding additional ammo throughout the game
  • An option to toggle enemy health bars on/off
  • Making it easier to get 100% game completion
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