Call of Duty: Black Ops – Patch erscheint am 03. März

Trooper_D5X 1 Comment
1 Min Read

Wie Treyarch angekündigt hat, erscheint am 03. März, also Mittwoch, der nächste Patch für Call of Duty: Black Ops, der Gameplay Fehler und Sicherheitsrelevante Dinge mit sich bringt.

  • Matchmaking improvements to return higher quality results faster. This change includes settings that are tunable in the live environment, so tweaking may continue beyond initial release of this update.
  • The in-game store now hides DLC map packs that do not match the language of the player’s disc to decrease the possibility of users downloading the incorrect language version.
  • Calling in a Chopper Gunner immediately after getting shot down in a Gunship will no longer end the Chopper Gunner run prematurely. Required timing-specific button presses.
  • Split screen players are now able to change camera perspectives and cycle through players as a spectator.
  • Addressed an issue where the most recent match played in Zombies could overwrite the best match played on the leaderboard.
  • Improved Zombies lobbies to prevent players from erroneously receiving the error “Unable to join game session” under certain circumstances.
  • Addressed a number of community-discovered Zombies gameplay exploits.
  • Additional security feature updates.

Gameplay Tuning:

  • Additional sniper rifle tuning.

Quelle: VG247


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