Code Vein: Frozen Empress – Zweiter DLC erscheint morgen, Launch Trailer online

By Johannes Add a Comment
5 Min Read

Bandai Namco hat kurzfristig den Release des zweiten DLC-Inhalts für ‚Code Vein‘ für den morgigen Mittwoch bestätigt.

Die Eis-Kaiserin regiert über den Himmlichen Eiskerker, ein noch nie zuvor gesehener Teil der Tiefen. Sie zieht ihre Kräfte aus Kristallen, was sie zu einer schweren Gegnerin macht. Zusätzlich zu dieser neuen Herausforderung können SpielerInnen neue Outfits freischalten, mit neuen Blutcodes experimentieren und spezielle Waffen nutzen, die in der Lage sind Eis zu zerstören.

Die neue Inhalte umfassen unter anderem neue Bosse, Memory Remnants, neue Waffen, neue Blood Codes und Anpassungsobjekte, darunter auch die Möglichkeit, das Outfit seines Partners zu ändern.

Anbei die offizielle Beschreibung des DLC:

Challenge “Frozen Empress” of the Great Collapse Horror

  • Frozen Empress of the Great Collapse Horror controls ice-elemental attacks with their cold iron armor.
  • Two crystals accompany the empress, occasionally triggering advantageous support effects.
  • Block the “crystals’ support” using weapons and Gifts to successfully battle the Frozen Empress.

Clear the “Horror Hunting Trials” to Obtain Your Bonus

The following bonuses can be acquired by fulfilling conditions during the battle against “Frozen Empress”. Check the achievement conditions for more information on how to unlock your bonus.

  • Mia/Yakumo in Dark version, Another version (three color variations are available for Another Version costumes). Venture forth with your partner wearing a different costume.
  • Blood Code “Ymir” reproducing the power of Frozen Empress
    • Blood code with the strong ice-elemental Gift like Frozen Empress.
    • Gift: Frost Turrent – Creates a frozen condensed mass that periodically shoots out ice shards.
    • Gift: Hoarfrost Stream – Shoots freezing beams of light in all directions, sweeping down any foes in their way.
    • The sealed Gifts can be unlocked by obtaining the bonus, “Ymir Frostcore” of the “Horror Hunting Trials”.
  • Weapons and Blood Veils affected by Frozen Empress
    • Four kinds of new weapons are available with the downloadable content “Frozen Empress.” Bayonet, Two-handed sword, Halberd, and Hammer affected by Hoarfrost appear imbued in frigid cold. Charged attack can add the ice element to a weapon.
    • There are two kinds of Blood Veils. Each has great abilities with high elemental defense power and stats scaling.
  • Face Paint and Upgrade materials.
    • You can obtain new items such as accessories of the blood code theme available in the downloadable content “Frozen Empress” in addition to the face paints and accessories using Mia’s and Yakumo’s character icons and blood codes as motifs.

New Depth Field – “Celestial Ice Prison”

You can go into the frigid Depth made with the multi-layer structure precipices and the caves with lined by stone pillars.

Lost are awaiting inside the complex landscape. Observe the structure well and take the appropriate route to move forward. Items may be hidden in unexpected places, so it is important to advance carefully

(The map of the Depth “Celestial Ice Prison” can be acquired in the room added in the path extending from “Crypt Spire” to “Provisional Government Outskirts.”)

Items Available during Exploration

  • Pollux Core Fragment – Blood code with strong vitality and strength, good with a powerful frontal assault. Offensive blood code with strong vitality (HP) and balance, striking down enemies by force utilizing its strength.
    • Steadfast Strike – Delivers a single strike that is highly resistant to staggering.
    • Usurper’s Blade – Slash at an enemy and recover HP.
  • Asclepius Vestige – Blood code available to obtain the Gift specialized in the support ability assisting the partner. You can see one of Memory Echoes of the Successor who sealed a horror.
    • Offensive Order – Temporarily lowers your defense and increases attack power for both you and your partner.

Each downloadable content pack contains one Memory Echo. You can see all the “Memory Echoes” by purchasing all downloadable contents“

Code Vein: Frozen Empress ist ab morgen separat oder als Teil des Season Pass verfügbar.

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