Crysis 3 – Patch auf Version 1.3 online, Changelog inklusive

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
2 Min Read

Crytek hat das dritte Update v1.30 für Crysis 3 veröffentlicht, das euch beim nächsten Start des Spiels zum Download angeboten wird.

Der Patch behebt diverse Fehler im Spiel, darunter Bandbreitenprobleme, unsichtbare Waffen, Fehler beim Savagame, Audioprobleme oder Probleme mit den Dog Tags.

Anbei der vollständige Changelog:

  • Reduction in bandwidth usage
  • Fixed issue where other player’s weapons may not be visible when joining the game
  • The „Scout“ perk now saves progress correctly
  • Fix for rip & throw items occasionally entering a state where players cannot interact with them
  • Fix for Relay not capturing correct if the carrier is within the cap zone when the friendly relay is returned
  • End of round audio now works correctly
  • Fix for nanovisor becoming locked in some cases
  • Fixed crashes/freezes of the game after the boss fight (some save games still might not be functioning 100% so a restart of the
  • last level might be required)
  • Fixed issue with boss not being triggered correctly and thus not appearing at all (some save games still might not be functioning
  • 100% so a restart of the last level might be required)
  • Fixed extended magazine attachment of the SCAR to not lose 10 clips anymore after each death of the player
  • Fixed secret email not unlocking properly after collecting all Intel in the levels
  • Fix for after match award dogtags failing to unlock
  • Fix for aim assist not working correctly in some areas of maps
  • Fix for an issue that could cause host migration failures
  • Dog tags now unlocking properly


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