Cyberpunk 2077 – Patch 1.31 optimiert Performance erheblich, inkl. Vergleichsvideo

By Johannes 1 comment
4 Min Read

Aktuell ist der Patch 1.31 für Cyberpunk 2077 verfügbar, der sich auf PlayStation insbesondere der Speicheroptimierung widmet. Erste Tests zeigen hier erhebliche Verbesserungen.

Im offiziellen Changelog zum Update 1.31 ist unter anderem die Rede von GPU Memory Optimization. Vergleicht man nun das Spiel vor und nach dem Patch, fällt auch, dass vor allem die Framerate konstant gehalten wird, auch auf der Base PS4, die man laut CD Projekt nicht zum Spielen empfiehlt.

Darüber hinaus werden wieder diverse Fehler beim Gameplay, UI, dem Netzwerk, der Grafik und mehr behoben, wie im nachfolgenden Changelog festgehalten:


  • Fixed an issue where after upgrading an item with a quest tag, the base version of the said item wasn’t removed from the inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where weapon reload speed perks slowed down reload time.
  • Corrected the height of the charged jump.
  • Adjusted enemies‘ stealth detection speed dependent on game difficulty.
  • V will no longer get stuck in falling animation when crashing a motorbike while also having „The Rock“ perk.

Quests And Open World


  • Fixed an issue where Judy didn’t spawn in her van on Jig-Jig Street.

These Boots Are Made for Walkin‘

  • Fixed an issue where Thorton Galena „Rattler“ didn’t spawn in the quest area.
  • Thorton Galena „Rattler“ will no longer become invulnerable after the quest is completed.

Beat on the Brat

  • Fixed an issue where the quest could reactivate with the objective „Go to the final fight“ on saves made on game version 1.22.

With a Little Help from My Friends

  • Fixed an issue where the objective „Wait for the nomads“ could persist on the screen long after player’s arrival at the junction.
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to interact with the nomads to discuss the plan.

The Nomad

  • Fixed an issue where player’s car could get stuck between a blockade and a guardrail, preventing them from returning to the car and blocking progress.

The new Cyberpunk 2077 also brings improvements to the Wet Surfaces System. With the new patch, wet surfaces should be more detailed than ever before.


  • Fixed an issue where roads after rain did not look wet, which was the result of ongoing work on the Wet Surfaces System. In 1.31 wet surfaces should look more detailed than they did even before the issue occurred.
  • Removed hair and/or eyebrows in cases where they were set to „off“ in earlier game versions.
  • Fixed an issue where shooting with a Tech weapon caused a momentary blinding light.
  • With a Little Help from My Friends — fixed an issue where Carol was missing her tablet or sitting in the air during a scene.

The Cyberpunk 2077 1.31 patch also introduces some UI fixes and GPU memory optimization on PlayStation consoles.


  • Returned missing descriptions in Overheat and Short Circuit quickhack tooltips.
  • Returned missing descriptions for Backpacker, Resist!, Osmosis and Footloose clothing mods.


  • Fixed an issue where players couldn’t claim in-game Registration Rewards due to the error: „A network error has occurred. Please try again later“.


  • [PlayStation] GPU memory optimization.

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