Dead by Daylight: Descend Beyond Kapitel mit Patch 2.01 erschienen

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
7 Min Read

Behaviour Interactive hat das neue Kapitel Descend Beyond in Dead by Daylight veröffentlicht. Gleichzeitig ist damit das versprochene Grafik-Upgrade verfügbar.

Lasst euch im neuen Kapitel von eurem Ehrgeiz antreiben, aber seid stets auf der Hut: Die Grenze zwischen Ehrgeiz und Hybris ist hauchdünn. Erfahrt diesmal die Korruption von The Blight als neuem Killer und dem ehrgeizigen Survivor Felix Richter in diesem ersten Part der neuen Erweiterung.

The Blight, ein kluger und ehrgeiziger Chemiker, der die Menschheit durch den Einsatz seiner Verbindungen verbessern wollte, um Opfer seiner eigenen Ambitionen zu werden, ist der neue Killer. Nachdem seine Forschungen gestohlen worden waren, wurde The Blight durch das Versprechen neuen, verbotenen Wissens in das Reich der Entität gelockt.

Lasst euch darin von eurem Ehrgeiz antreiben, aber seid stets auf der Hut: Die Grenze zwischen Ehrgeiz und Hybris ist hauchdünn. Erfahrt diesmal die Korruption von The Blight als neuem Killer und dem ehrgeizigen Survivor Felix Richter in diesem ersten Part der neuen Erweiterung.

The Blight, ein kluger und ehrgeiziger Chemiker, der die Menschheit durch den Einsatz seiner Verbindungen verbessern wollte, um Opfer seiner eigenen Ambitionen zu werden, ist der neue Killer. Nachdem seine Forschungen gestohlen worden waren, wurde The Blight durch das Versprechen neuen, verbotenen Wissens in das Reich der Entität gelockt.

Patch 2.01 Notes

Auch das Grafik-Upgrade ist mit dem Patch 2.01 verfügbar. Das ultimative Ziel damit ist es, die Immersion um das Zehnfache zu verbessern und die Umgebung so realistisch, beängstigend und verstörend zu machen, wie es nur möglich ist. Dazu werden die Beleuchtung und VFX sowie die Modellierung, Texturen und Animationen erheblich verbessert. Den Karten werden weitere Requisiten hinzugefügt, und den Rooms neue Funktionen zugewiesen, um sie besser identifizierbar zu machen.

  • Added a new Killer – The Blight.
  • Added a new Survivor – Felix Richter.
  • Added a new Rare Offering for Killers and Survivors – Sacrificial Ward – cancels other offerings that would send you to a specific realm.
  • Added a new Common Offering for Killers and Survivors – Bloodied Blueprint – reveals the aura of basement hooks to you for 20 seconds at the start of the trial. If the map has a Killer Shack, this offering increases the chance that the basement will spawn below it.
  • Added a new Common Offering for Killers and Survivors – Torn Blueprint – reveals the aura of basement hooks to you for 20 seconds at the start of the trial. If the map has a main building, this offering increases the chance that the basement will spawn below it.
  • Added a new Common Offering for Killers and Survivors – Annotated Blueprint – If the map has a Killer Shack, this offering increases the chance that the Hatch will spawn within it.
  • Added a new Common Offering for Killers and Survivors – Vigo’s Blueprint – If the map has a main building, this offering increases the chance that the Hatch will spawn within it.

Features & Content

Many in-game objects in Dead By Daylight haven’t been changed significantly since the game’s launch. As part of our ongoing effort to enhance the game’s visuals, many of these objects got visual updates in this patch to bring them closer to our long-term vision for the appearance of the game. Some realms also got visual updates, with more coming later in future patches.

  • Visual updates of several common in-game objects:
    • Visual update of the Generators, including changes to models, animations and VFX. The Survivor repairing animations and VFX were also updated.
    • Visual update of the Pallets, including models and VFX.
    • Visual update of the Lockers.
    • Visual update of the Chests, including the model and changes to the Survivor’s interaction. This Survivor interaction has been updated
  • Visual updates to some maps, including additions of breakable walls:
    • Springwood – Updated Badham Preschool Maps I – V
    • Yamaoka Estate – Updated Family Residence and Sanctum of Wrath
  • Update aiming when using the flashlight. Up to 4.1.0, the flashlight would aim up and to the right of the center of the screen. In 4.1.0, the aiming animation was updated, which caused the flashlight to aim more towards right of center. Now, the aim should be squarely in the center.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue that caused survivors not to be stunned when shot by the Deathslinger.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hillbilly’s carry and lunge speed to be reduced when equipped with the Tuned Carburetor add on.
  • Fixed an issue that caused all Legion characters to use Julie’s animation when the ‘Empty Stare’ mask was equipped.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the Oni to lose the ability to enter Blood Fury.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Oni’s blood orbs to sometimes flicker in and out of visibility.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Plague’s Vile Purge to arc higher than previously.
  • Fixed an issue that cause the Shape not to change stances while in Tier 3 Evil Within.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper’s bear trap aura not to appear during the tutorial.


  • Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be stuck at the bottom of the Hill on various maps.
  • Fixed several issues that may cause survivors to be misaligned during Moris.


  • Fixed an issue that caused a regressing generator not to turn red once reaching 0 progress when using the Surveillance perk.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the “Pull Down” prompt to be replaced for Survivors standing next to a pallet while injured and with the Self-Care perk equipped.
  • Fixed an issue that caused survivors to see the auras of breakable walls when equipped with the Windows of Opportunity perk and suffering from the Blind effect.


  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes happen when selecting the Low or Medium Graphics Quality from Medium and above.
  • Reduced rank update errors.
  • HTML markup in player names during social notifications (toast invites) are now handled properly.

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