Gran Turismo 7 – Patch 1.07 bringt neues Feature ins Spiel (Update)

bla bla bla
5 Min Read

Polyphony Digital wirft das nächste Update für Gran Turismo 7 in den Raum, diesmal in der Version 1.07, das ein weiteres Feature ins Spiel bringt.

Dieses richtet sich vor allem an Livestreamer, die nun einen Broadcast-Mode für Musik und Sounds nutzen können. Damit lassen sich diese in ihrer Lautstärke regeln oder ausschalten und über den Global-Tab finden.

Wer Videos direkt auf Youtube streamt, kann mit Aktivieren des Broadcast-Modus alle Musiktitel aus der BGM-Wiedergabeliste des Spiels entfernen, um so möglicherweise Urheberrechtsverletzungen zu vermeiden. Bei aktiviertem Broadcast-Modus sind dann einige der Music Rally- oder Music Replay-Tracks nicht mehr im Spiel verfügbar.

Update: Aufgrund von Problemen mit dem Patch 1.07 hat man kurzfristig Wartungsarbeiten gestartet, die etwas umfangreicher ausfallen. Wie lange diese andauern, ist noch nicht bekannt.

GT7 Patch 1.07 Notes

Das Update umfasst allerdings auch Korrekturen, die sich über die Fahrzeugeinstellungen, die Lobby, die Missionen, Strecken, Lizenzen und mehr erstrecken, wie nachfolgend aufgeführt.

Eindrücke aus GT7 selbst gibt es in unserem aktuellen Review nachzulesen.

 1. Car Settings
 - Fixed an issue wherein an application error would occur when selecting a Setting Sheet from the Quick Menu > [Car Settings] > [Detailed Settings] screen within ‚World Circuits‘ while being in Offline Mode;
 - Fixed an issue wherein copied Setting Sheets would disappear when the Car Settings were opened and closed;
 - Fixed an issue wherein the Ford GT Race Car ’18 would only go into 1st gear when a ‚Fully Customisable Manual Transmission‘ or a ’Fully Customisable Sequential Transmission‘ were installed;
 - Fixed an issue wherein cars would be considered ‚within regulation‘ even though they did not meet the Balance of Performance (BoP) regulation.

2. Lobby
 - Fixed an issue wherein some Assist Settings, such as Auto-Drive, were able to be changed or saved even when ‚Limit Driving Options‘ was set to ‚Prohibited.‘

3. Missions & Licences
 - Fixed an issue wherein the modified Assist Settings in some events would be saved and would not go back to the default value even after leaving the event.

4. Missions
 - Fixed an issue wherein for some events the wind direction and speed display were set to 0.

5. Licences / Missions / Circuit Experiences
 - Fixed an issue wherein the specified tyres would not be equipped on the vehicle for the following events:

 ■ Licences
 [A-8] Dirt Driving: Beginner (‚Dirt‘ Tyres)
 [IB-5] Dirt Driving: Intermediate (‚Dirt‘ Tyres)
 [IA-3] Dirt Driving: Expert (‚Dirt‘ Tyres)
 [S-5] One Lap Time Attack (‚Dirt‘ Tyres)

 ■ Missions
 The Magic Mountain
  ・Jeep Night Safari (‚Dirt‘ Tyres)

 Beyond the Horizon
  ・Beginner Drifting 1
  ・American Wilderness (‚Dirt‘ Tyres)

 Rolling Stone
  ・Beginner Drifting 2 (‚Comfort: Medium‘ Tyres)

 Gone with the Wind
  ・Divine moves on the Spa
  ・Intermediate Drifting 2 (‚Racing: Heavy Wet‘ Tyres)

 The Sun Also Rises
  ・The White Winged Beast (‚Racing: Soft‘ Tyres)

 ■ Circuit Experiences
 Colorado Springs (‚Dirt‘ Tyres)
 Fishermans Ranch (‚Dirt‘ Tyres)
 Sardegna – Windmills (‚Dirt‘ Tyres)

6. World Circuits
 - Adjusted the rewards for events inside ‚World Circuits‘ according to driving time and difficulty. The adjusted events are as follows:

 World Touring Car 800
  ・24 Heures du Mans Racing Circuit
  ・Monza Circuit

 World Rally Challenge
  ・Alsace Village

 Dirt Champions
  ・Fisherman’s Ranch
  ・Sardegna Windmills
  ・Colorado Springs Lake

 GT Cup Gr.4
  ・High Speed Ring
  ・Brands Hatch GP Circuit

 GT Cup Gr.3
  ・Spa Francorchamps
  ・Suzuka Circuit
  ・Autodrome Lago Maggiore. Full

 Clubman Cup Plus
  ・High Speed Ring
  ・Tsukuba Circuit

 American Clubman Cup 700
  ・Special Stage Route X

 American FR Challenge 550
  ・Blue Moon Bay Speedway
  ・Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca
  ・Willow Springs Raceway

7. GT Auto
 - Fixed an issue wherein opening the Livery data from [Open Design] > [Design List] of the Livery Editor would make all the applied decals disappear;
 - Fixed an issue wherein the ‚Open Designs‘ and ‘Styles’ of the Livery Editor could not be opened until the game was rebooted if the temporary data were deleted.

8. Garage
 - Fixed an issue wherein on rare occasions an application error would occur when purchasing cars from ‚Brand Central‘, ‚Used Cars‘, and ‘Legendary Cars‘, or when receiving a car as a prize.

9. Physics Simulation Model
 - Adjusted the model to reduce the grip lost when cars with high downforce are passing over a kerbstone while cornering at its limit.

10. Other
 - Fixed several issues that would occur when there was not enough free space available for temporary data downloaded from the network:
  ・The ‚Used Cars‘ lineup would not be displayed;
  ・The ‚News‘ on the Title Screen would not be displayed;
  ・The ‚Styles‘ could not be applied;
 - Various other issues have been addressed.

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