HITMAN – Details zum Februar Update, kommende Live Inhalte

Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
2 Min Read

Zu ‚HITMAN‘ ist jüngst das größere Februar Update erschienen, mit dem IO Interactive noch einmal einige Korrekturen am Spiel vornimmt. Gleichzeitig gewährt man nochmals eine Vorschau auf die nächsten Live Inhalte.

Im Detail hat man folgende Änderungen im Spiel und im Backend vorgenommen:

Master Volume

  • We’ve fixed the known issue from 1.9.0 where adjusting the ‚Master Volume‘ option would have no effect on the VO of Diana or NPCs

Xbox One Issue

  • We’ve added a permanent solution to an issue that was introduced with the January Update that meant some players on Xbox One were unable to launch the game.
  • We immediately found a workaround for this issue, but that is no longer required with this fix and the game will launch for all players without issue.

The Sapienza Trinity

  • We’ve made a back-end change that ensures this achievement/trophy can be unlocked when playing on Professional.

Heeeeere’s Johnny

  • We’ve made a back-end change that ensures this challenge can be unlocked when using the Sapper’s Axe.

The Perfectionist

  • We’ve made a back-end change that ensures this achievement/trophy can be unlocked when completing the requirements in the ‚Landslide‘ Bonus Mission.

Landslide Electrocution

  • We’ve fixed a rare crash issue that could occur when eliminating Marco Abiatti with a specific accident setup and using a Sniper Rifle.

Delicious Irony

  • We’ve made sure that the world’s most nefarious assassin no longer dies of clumsiness, when climbing through a specific window in Hokkaido.

Bis zum Ende des laufenden Monats stehen außerdem noch ein Elusive Target an, sowie zehn neue Featured Contracts.


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