Kingdom Come: Deliverance – Update 1.4.3 samt Changelog verfügbar

By Johannes Add a Comment
1 Min Read

Die Warhorse Studios haben das Update 1.4.3 für ihr Mittelalter-Rollenspiel ‚Kingdom Come: Deliverance‘ veröffentlicht, das neben diversen Fehlerbehebungen auch neue Inhalte mit sich bringt.

Unter anderem wird damit der Frisuren DLC integriert, es gibt neue Easter Eggs, Boni und mehr. Die Details dazu verrät euch der offizielle Changelog:

Fixed issues:

  • Ressurection day is upon us! Some NPCs that died due to the physics glitches have risen from their graves.
  • Fixed the problem with the Mightier than the Sword quest related to the scribe.
  • Rattay archery competition works on advanced difficulty.
  • Fixed save issue in the House of God quest.
  • Cutscene after the completion of the quest Questions and Answers should trigger properly.
  • Rattay armorer should no longer get stuck in an infinite sleep behaviour.
  • Player with an equipped bow can be dismounted.
  • Fixed a bug with an instant game over in the Trial by Fire quest.
  • Another 200 major bugs fixed.

New features:

  • Henry can now change his hairstyle and beards in bathhouses.
  • Unarmed mercy kill added.
  • Real easter eggs added. Hunt for the golden egg can begin! Also, there is a new Easter-themed weapon to be found.

Known issues:

  • [Rare] Attacking stops working.

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