XCOM 2: War of the Chosen – Umfangreiches Update erschienen

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
10 Min Read

2K Games und Fireaxis haben nach wie vor nicht mit ‚XCOM 2‘ und der neuesten Erweiterung ‚War of the Chosen‚ abgeschlossen, sodass aktuell ein umfangreiches Update dafür zur Verfügung stehen.

Besonders freuen können sich die Xbox One X Spieler, für dessen Hardware das Spiel nun optimiert wurde. Ansonsten darf man sich, auch auf PS4, über diverse technische Verbesserungen freuen, darunter verbesserter Schatten usw., wie der offizielle Changelog verrät, den wir folgende angehängt haben.


  • Numerous gameplay fixes have been issued to War of the Chosen including:
    • Challenge mode adjustments and fixes to the Leaderboard.
    • Skirmisher ability changes.
    • Fixed disabling status effects carrying over past Chosen Stronghold missions
  • Improved Shadow rendering
  • XB1X graphic improvements
    • Enabled Screen Space Reflections
    • Enabled Bokeh Depth of Field
    • Increased FXAA Quality
    • Increased XB1X Resolution to 1440

Gameplay – Strategy Layer

  • Beta Strike now is applied to XCOM soldiers if the tutorial is enabled
  • Scientists and engineers can no longer be used while deployed on Covert Actions
  • Fixed base game soldier promotion abilities not being free in the Training Center if a cross-class ability is purchased first
  • Fixed a visual issue with the inventory menu after selecting a Grenadier’s utility item or grenade slot in the Hangar
  • Fixed Resistance Order card duplication
  • Fixed a navigation issue caused by empty Resistance Order card slots
  • Tutorial: Players can now re-enter the Research screen if they’ve tried to exit during the tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented soldiers from being dismissible after completing Lost and Abandoned with the Tutorial enabled
  • Fixed the conventional weapon breakthrough tech causing „+1 Damage“ to display on the claymore when viewed in the Armory
  • Soldiers in the Character Pool now generate with a background
  • Scavengers Resistance Order now only applies to resource-based POI rewards
  • Weapon color defaults to 20 now instead of -1 to prevent mismatched color previews
  • Camera outline and poster display update on screen change
  • Fixed an issue with SPARKs getting permanently stuck in a wounded yet „Available“ state after going on Chosen Stronghold missions
  • Fixed the Lost World Dark Event to expire correctly
  • Fixed lingering cohesion glow after creating a new bond
  • Fixed an issue where faction soldiers in the Training Center promotion screen would not appear when cycling through soldiers
  • Removed references to Resistance HQ from strategy notifications
  • Removed the ability for soldiers to gain positive traits as part of the AWC post-mission negative trait recovery mechanic
  • Soldiers on Covert Actions no longer drop their equipped items when the player enters the squad select screen
  • Fixed Rescue Soldier missions sometimes appearing with no reward if you fail it the first time
  • Adding additional text to the Reaper’s Silent Killer ability description
  • Fixed weapons with mods attached not upgrading to the next tier for soldiers who are deployed on ambush-able Covert Actions

Gameplay – Tactical Layer

  • Chosen will be activated only if someone on XCOM team has been revealed
  • Fixed a bug where the fog of war fails to update or disappear when the player’s Codex creates a clone during a mission
  • Fixed an issue where detection tiles would disappear for faction soldiers after loading a save while in concealment
  • VIPs using hunker down no longer break concealment
  • Berserk Rangers no longer attack squadmates
  • Fixed visualization of Archon patrol pathing
  • Units now take claymore damage when a claymore is detonated underneath them while on a destructible floor during tactical gameplay
  • ADVENT Priests triggering Sustain while standing in the evac zone no longer fails the mission
  • Alien Rulers get a 1.5X HP boost when Beta Strike is enabled
  • Fixed an issue where Purifiers became unresponsive after their clone made from Shadowbind was destroyed
  • Bladestorm and Retribution excludes teammates as valid targets
  • Enemy reinforcement visual indicator no longer disappears
  • Chosen can no longer turn into cocoons from Chryssalid poison
  • Spectres hit with Stasis will no longer prevent shadowbound units from recovering when the Spectre is killed
  • Fixed missing flyover for Lightning Reflexes
  • Gremlins only reveal hidden units after a hack attempt is made
  • Changed Skirmisher Ionic Ripjack stun chance to 25%
  • Darkclaw now gains the effects of equipped ammo
  • Brutal Chosen strength temporarily decreases soldier Will
  • Fixed ambient lighting not being applied in some non-tactical areas
  • Targetable enemy indicator refreshes correctly after navigating tactical menus
  • Fixed an issue where help text and other pop-ups would not trigger during the tutorial
  • Units provided by the Volunteer Army & Double Agent Resistance Orders will no longer count as units lost during a campaign
  • Updated Mimic Beacon behavior for Purifier, Priest, Spectre, and shadowbound units
  • Added AI AoE finder updates to enable AoE attacks on Mimic Beacons
  • Fixed an issue preventing Mimic Beacons from being attacked more than once by purifiers
  • Skulljack now kills units instantly if Beta Strike is enabled
  • Shredded armor no longer reappears after reloading a save
  • Fixed an issue where Skirmishers could use Wrath to move to an area, but not perform a melee attack
  • Fixed infinite visualization hang when X2Action_WaitForAnotherAction fails to receive the event trigger it is registered for
  • Fixed issue with claymores not being immediately targetable by the Reaper
  • Reduced Chosen Hunter pistol range
  • Skulljack no longer prevents a unit from becoming concealed
  • Supply Extraction loot now recovered if XCOM evacs from the mission
  • Fixed a loss of functionality caused by simultaneously entering a rescue circle and triggering a Lost pod during a Rescue Stranded Resistance Agents mission
  • Fixed crash caused by too many Lost on screen at one time
  • Restricting spawns in the corners of some parcels to prevent Chosen from being stuck if they spawn in the corner of a map
  • Slightly reducing the aim of Retaliation civilian militia and Volunteer Army soldiers
  • Shadowbound units don’t get abilities granted from Sustaining Spheres. This matches up with shadowbound units not getting built in Sustain ability from units either
  • Prevent Chosen Kidnap / Extract on special units that come from HQ via Double Agent or Volunteer Army
  • Fix for an indefinite hang when a unit gets the burning status effect when moving for a Skullmine action during tactical gameplay
  • Holy Warrior effects no longer persist after the Priest is removed from the mission
  • Chosen Sarcophagus health displays correctly after loading a save game while the shield is up
  • Bluescreen Rounds no longer affect destructibles
  • Updated Shadowbind to remove the Parthenogenic Poison from the target
  • Decoupled GameStateUnit and asynchronous pawn load requests to prevent hung levels and crashes on level load
  • Fixed crashes related to GetAllViewersOfTarget
  • Fixed crashes related to GetAllVisibleToSource
  • Fixed crashes related to GetAllViewersOfLocation
  • Fixed crashes caused by for large block of LoadMap crashes
  • Fixed GetWorldInfo crashes on RenderThread
  • FixedProtection against IsAudible crashes from effects

Challenge Mode

  • Added new event notifications: 5 Enemy Kills, Concealment Broken, First Soldier Wounded, Killed a Sectopod or Gatekeeper, Lost a Sectopod or Gatekeeper, and Completed Mission
  • Challenge Mode replay improvements: show the reaper roll, skip challenge points banners, disable mission narratives
  • Added user score and total players to Challenge Mode squad select screen
  • Changed Challenge events to display completion percentages of total players for an event
  • ADVENT soldiers now take an action when their shadowbound clone is killed
  • Enemy units will now move or take actions when the player Shadowbinds another enemy unit in the same pod
  • Challenge Mode replays will now automatically start playing
  • Fixed an issue where Focus drops were not occurring in Challenge mode
  • Additional score break down and stats to leaderboard
  • Consolidated the objective and enemy score decrease messages into one message when appropriate
  • Fixed an issue causing Challenges to auto-complete


  • Character Pool now checks base game and expansion directories for available pools
  • Fixed Character Pool lighting when on Stronghold shell screen
  • Fixed a crash with the Character Pool trying to access a version of a unit that no longer exists
  • Class pose filtering is skipped when doing a memorial shot
  • Additional crash and bug fixes

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