Erste Details zu Resistance 3 aus der GameInformer

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
2 Min Read

In dieser Woche erscheint mit der GameInformer die erste große Preview zu Resistance 3. Daraus sind nun die ersten Details bekannt geworden.

  • Weapon wheel in the game
  • Capelli started a family with Susan(Hale’s Stepsister)
  • Malikov is alive
  • Co-op campaign confirmed (Capelli, Malikov, & John Harper) are key characters
  • No alternate story co-op similar to Resistance 2
  • Scenes described in the magazine, some are related to the leaked pictures
  • African Prison is one map
  • Chimeran Plant Life (explodes when shot) shows the world is changing
  • Boat scenes from the campaign described
  • New, smarter AI
  • Climb over walls, through windows
  • Long legs jumping from roof to roof shooting down at you
  • The Mutator is a new weapon, shoots biological mist which causes boils and other elements on the enemy
  • Then it makes them pop, which hurts other nearby enemies
  • Secondary fire makes them go crazy, attack their cohorts
  • Bullseye, Magnum, Shotgun, Auger, carbine returning
  • Upgrade weapons as you use them more and more
  • Weapons have been made to look more improvised
  • Grenades are shaped like food cans full of nails
  • Online discussed, not much known yet
  • Want to make it more organized, not a cluster like the 60 player matches in Resistance 2
  • Ted Price handed the reigns to Marcus Smith to do much of the other work
  • Humans are eating other foods due to a lack of food
  • Vaccine might be able to cure the chimeran virus
  • Capelli is doing this in order to save his son
  • He goes with Malikov to New York, St. Louis, etc.
  • No more gas, everything needs to run off of Chimeran Energy cores
  • The cores have to be stolen from chimeran ships

Quelle: GamingEverything


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