Assassin´s Creed Odyssey – Ausblick auf den Patch 1.03

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Schon fast typisch für Rollenspiele, zu dem nun auch ‚Assassin´s Creed Odyssey‘ gehört, sind die Spieler hier mit zahlreichen Problemen konfrontiert. Während der Day One Patch bereits erhältlich ist, gibt Ubisoft nun einen Ausblick auf den Patch 1.03, der sich wieder allerhand Probleme annimmt.

Unter anderem untersucht man derzeit diverse grafische Probleme wie niedrig aufgelöste Texturen, die Framedrops, Streaming-Probleme und vieles mehr. Details dazu hat Ubisoft im Folgenden aufgelistet:


Texture issues on Silver Islands
 Some players may experience low texture quality on the Silver Islands when using Ikaros.
Status: Will be addressed with TU 1.0.3

Legendary Cultist Item not given
 There’s currently an issue where legendary items from defeated Cultists may not be given to the player if they stray too far or fast travel between knocking the cultists unconscious & confirming the kill.
Workaround: Reload a previous save.
Status: Will be addressed with TU 1.0.3

Zoisme & Kallias cannot be reached
 There is currently an issue where Zoisme and Kallias are spawned in the Cave of Gaia and cannot be reached.
Status: Will be addressed with TU 1.0.3

“Aphrodite’s Embrace” achievement/ trophy not unlocked
There is currently an issue where the “Aphrodite’s Embrace” achievement/ trophy did not unlock after spending the night with Xenia.
Workaround: Complete another romance questline in order to unlock the achievement/trophy.
Status: Will be addressed with TU 1.0.3

Myrrine and Brasidas get teleported to Naxos

Status: Will be addressed with TU 1.0.3

Mercenary inside closed house
 There is currently an issue where a mercenary gets stuck inside a closed house in Fort Samikon (Forest of Soron / Arkadia).
Status: Will be addressed with a future TU


FPS drops while fighting enemies
 Players may experience FPS drops when fighting enemies during night time while it’s raining and holding the torch.
Status: Under Investigation

FPS Drops while fighting enemies in Korinth
Description: Players may experience FPS drops after fighting enemies in Korinth for more than 10 minutes.
Status: Under Investigation

Unexpected lieutenant comes to help
 When using the “Call to Arms” feature players may notice that an unexpected lieutenant comes to help.
Workaround: Change the order of lieutenants according to the following current behaviour:
1-3 slots available: The lieutenant in the first slot will come to help.
4 slots available: The lieutenant is randomly picked from any of the slots 2-4.

Status: Under Investigation

NPCs riding a horse have low-resolution textures
 Some NPCs riding a horse have have low-resolution textures, don’t have any collision and cannot be interacted with.
Status: Under Investigation

World streaming issue
 Sometimes the game temporarily freezes to load textures.
Status: Under Investigation

Textures loading / Horse – running
 Players may notice loading textures for a few seconds in populated areas when using the horse or running
Status: Under Investigation

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