Minecraft – Aquatic Update jetzt für PS4 verfügbar

Johannes Add a Comment
3 Min Read

Für ‚Minecraft‘ auf PlayStation 4 ist aktuell ein neues Update erschienen, das euch interessante neue Möglichkeiten im Spiel eröffnet. Mit ‚Aquatic‘ geht es jetzt nämlich unter Wasser weiter.

Während euer Touren in die Tiefen der See könnt ihr Meereslebewesen wie Delfine und Fische entdecken, aber auch Schatztruhen in alten Schiffswracks und eine Reihe verschiedener Biome lassen sich so finden. Als Bonus finden sich hier außerdem noch rund 3.000 Items, neue Trophäen, ein neues Tutorial und vieles mehr. Alle Details dazu verrät euch der Changelog weiter unten.


  • Added the Update Aquatic! The oceans of Minecraft are now teeming with new life!
  • Added 6 new Trophies!
  • Added Shipwrecks, Underwater Ruins, Coral Reefs, Icebergs, Underwater Caves/Ravines, and Buried Treasure to world generation.
  • Added new blocks: Coral, Dried Kelp, Sea Pickles, Sea Turtle Eggs, Stripped Logs, Blue Ice, Prismarine Stairs, and Prismarine Slabs.
  • Added new Kelp and Sea Grass underwater flora.
  • Added Trapdoors, Pressure Plates, and Buttons for every type of wood.
  • Added Bubble Columns that are created by underwater Magma or Soul Sand. Bubble Columns push players and mobs to the surface, or drag them under!
  • Added the Conduit, a block that provides underwater players with a powerful Status Effect.
  • Added Tridents, and their unique enchantments; Impaling, Channeling, Riptide, and Loyalty.
  • Added other new items: Dried Kelp, Fish Buckets, Turtle Shell Helmet, Heart of the Sea, Nautilus Shell, Scute, and Phantom Membrane.
  • Added new Potions and Arrows of the Turtle Master, and of Slow Falling.
  • Added Buried Treasure Explorer Maps that will lead you to great wealth hidden under the sands!
  • Added Cod, Salmon, Pufferfish, and 2700 types of Tropical Fish!
  • Added the Dolphin, a friendly mob that helps players out!
  • Added the Phantom, a mob that hunts down tired players.
  • Added the Sea Turtle, a mob that travels the world but always returns home.
  • Added the Drowned, a monster that attacks players that enter their underwater domain.
  • Added new Warm, Lukewarm, and Cold Ocean biomes to hold all this new stuff…
  • …And a new Tutorial world to show you how to use it!
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