Mortal Kombat 11 – Umfassender Balance Patch, neue HDR-Settings & mehr verfügbar

Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
5 Min Read

Die Netherrealm Studios haben ein umfassendes Update für ‚Mortal Kombat 11‘ veröffentlicht, mit dem in erster Linie alle Kämpfer neu ausbalanciert werden. Außerdem stehen damit neue Grafik-Optionen zur Verfügung.

Unter anderem gibt es damit jetzt einen Color Blindness Mode, ebenso lassen sich die HDR-Einstellungen je nach TV-Qualität (Standard, High End, Professional) festlegen. Außerdem wurden zahlreiche Korrekten bei den Visuals vorgenommen, unter anderem bei den Brutalities. Den Changelog dazu findet ihr nachfolgend:

General Gameplay Adjustments

  • Improvements to AI logic
  • Added Color Blindness mode (Protanope, Deuteranope, & Tritanope) to Video Options
  • Added HDR TV Quality settings (Standard, High End, Professional) to Video Options
  • Added Variation info to the Pause Menu in Practice Mode
  • Added a 4 Star Ranking and replaced Damage Ratio with additional matchup information to the Kombat Breakdown after an Online Match or Kombat Kard Kareer Stats
  • Updated the visuals for the Real Time Frame Data Display in Practice Mode & Kombat Kard Match Replays
  • Added an additional Brutality victory pose for every character
  • Improved performance on many brutalities that were causing slowdown to occur
  • Fixes to visual issues with many brutalities
  • Added several new Brutalities for players to discover
  • Added “Dimitri Vegas as Sub-Zero” Skins and Mask to Sub-Zero Kustomizations available free to everyone
  • Front Punch + Front Kick button macro is now working correctly for all Krushing Blows in Practice Mode when the Easy Krushing Blows option is enabled
  • When a move that would have triggered a Krushing Blow trades with an invulnerable move on the same frame it will no longer result in neither move colliding
  • Fixed a rare visual issue with hitsparks during „Finish Him“ dizzy state after winning the round with Fatal Blow
  • Mercy can now be performed using Front Kick + Back Kick button macro input if Button Shortcuts is enabled
  • Fixed a rare issue where a player could cause a high projectile to visually appear to pass through their character after a knockdown if they pressed and released the down direction at a precise timing and made no further inputs
  • Adjustment to victim regions after a character has missed a throw attempt
  • Adjustment to victim regions during many hit reactions
  • Adjustment to crouching victim regions for all characters except Baraka, Kabal, Kollector, Kotal Kahn, Liu Kang
  • Fixed an issues that could cause Up + Back Punch Wakeup Attacks & Flawless Block Attacks to sometimes not be invulnerable to a jumping attack that collides just before landing

Kombat League / Online

  • Minor online stability improvements
  • Fixed several rare online desync causes
  • Improved server Match Results arbitration when disconnects have happened in Ranked and Kombat League matches
  • Kombat League Point Decay now takes 72+ hours to trigger (up from 48+ hours)
  • Added a pop up message after Point Decay happens to the Online menu
  • Quitting from the rematch screen in online matches now requires a confirmation
  • Shang Tsung’s health will no longer sometimes be adjusted when morphing back after a Soul Steal in a Survivor KOTH match


  • Added more detailed “where to get” information to many items

Towers of Time

  • Johnny Cage Announcer added as a reward for getting into the top 10% of any week of Race Against Time
  • Added a new reward type (Bonus Character Reward) for Tower completion that awards a random skin, piece of gear, or augment for the character you use to defeat it
  • The cooldown on some modifiers will now start when it goes away instead of when triggered

Stage Specific Adjustments

  • Shaolin Trap Dungeon – Statue Slam is now +9 on hit (down from +38)

Sämtliche Balance Änderungen der Fighter könnt ihr direkt auf Reddit nachlesen. In Kürze folgt außerdem Nightwolf als neuer DLC-Charakter, während man auf der gamescom das übrige DLC-Roster enthüllen wird.

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