Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition – Erstes Balance Update angekündigt

Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
3 Min Read

Trotz der großen Überarbeitung, die Capcom mit der ‚Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition umgesetzt hat, ist das Spiel nach wie vor nicht ganz perfekt und erhält demnächst ein größeres Balance Update für die Charaktere.

Insbesondere wurde hier noch einmal bei Urien, Laura, Abigail, Akuma, Menat und Ibuki angesetzt, wie der nachfolgende Changelog offenbart:


  • Bug Content: When performing the V-Skill Rakan against Ken’s Shinryuken, Akuma had a tendency to move backwards upon performing the Rakan Gokyaku.
  • Fix Content: Fixed the movement value for Rakan Gokyaku, eliminating the phenomenon.


  • Bug Content: The active frames for each of her normal throws without the crystal ball were 2F.
  • Fix Content: Fixed so that the active frames for each of her normal throws is 3F, the same as with the crystal ball.

Urien, Ibuki

  • Bug Content: When activating their V-Triggers Aegis Reflector and Rokushaku Horokudama against an opponent who is getting hit, one extra hit was added to the combo scaling count.
  • Fix Content: Fixed so that the combo scaling count for Aegis Reflector and Rokushaku Horokudama on activation is the same as before.
  • Bug Content: With his V-Skill Metallic Aura active, during the forward dash attack movement of Tyrant Blaze, upon absorbing an enemy attack with the armor property Urien would gain complete invincibility for the remaining duration of the move.
  • Fix Content: Fixed so that Urien will not lose his hurtboxes upon taking a hit against the armor of Tyrant Blaze with Metallic Aura active.


  • Bug Content: Abigail could cancel the first hit of Abigail Punch (each strength) into V-Trigger.
  • Fix Content: Fixed so that Abigail cannot cancel into V-trigger from the first hit of Abigail Punch.
  • Bug Content: During the forward movement of the max-charge Metro Crash, Abigail gained an unintended number of armor hits.
  • Fix Content: Fixed so that Abigail will have two hits of armor during the forward-movement attack portion of max-charge Metro Crash.


  • Bug Content: When performing Shock Dance from a normal move cancel, the proper combo scaling was not applied.
  • Fix Content: Fixed to apply the proper V-Trigger activation combo scaling when Shock Dance is activated from a normal move cancel.

Wann das Update verfügbar sein wird, ist derzeit nicht bekannt.

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