Horizon: Zero Dawn – Patch 1.40 veröffentlicht, bereitet kommenden DLC vor

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
4 Min Read

In Vorbereitung auf den kommenden DLC für ‚Horizon: Zero Dawn‘ ist ab sofort der Patch 1.40 erhältlich, der darüber hinaus einige Optimierungen mit sich bringt.

Horizon: Zero Dawn – The Frozen Wilds wird ab dem 07. November erhältlich sein und entführt euch in die eisige Kälte im Grenzland des Banuk-Stammes. Die Geschichte des DLC dreht sich dabei um den sagenumwobenen Berg des Landes, der ein gut behütetes Geheimnis in sich birgt, jedoch auch große Gefahr bedeutet. Nur die mutigsten Krieger sollten sich dem heiligen Ort nähern – tiefe Einblicke in die Hintergründe und spannende Kämpfe gegen neue Maschinen belohnen euch allerdings auch reichhaltig.

Was der Patch sonst noch so bewirkt, verrät euch der folgende Changelog:

  • Support for ‘The Frozen Wilds’ expansion has been added.
  • The patch contains general animation fixes.
  • Fixed an issue where outfit resistance was not calculated correctly for some players when they added slotting mods to the outfits.
  • Fixed an issue where some players would experience an unintended longer jump during light melee attacks.
  • Fixed an issue where certain players experienced Aloy to remain stuck in a pose and fly through the air after getting knocked off from a Tallneck.
  • Fixed an issue where some players experience the Nora NPC’s not helping Aloy to fight off the enemy during the “Clear the Camps” objective.
  • Fixed an issue where some players experienced that the blaze canister explosions did not make any sound.

General Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where some players would experience the robot not investigating a triggered alarm mine.
  • Fixed an issue where some players could let Aloy traverse far outside the map when heading East from the campfire, while heading towards the objective “Go to the Ruins of GAIA Prime”.
  • Fixed an issue where some players would experience Longlegs failing to respawn to the site, after Aloy cleared the Longleg encounters around Cut-Cliffs on her way to ‘Meridian’.
  • Fixed an issue where some players would experience outfits nog being calculated correctly after slotting two or more mods.
  • Fixed an issue for the controls where some players could let Aloy to become fixed to a plane and be able to move horizontally across the map.
  • Fixed an issue for some players for the interactions of the NPC’s that are not in combat.

Progression Issues Fixes:

  • Fixed a progression issue in “A seeker at the Gates” where some players experienced the ‘Carja Fort Gate’ wouldn’t open after fast-travelling.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘Lessons of the wild’ where some players would experience the Watcher staying in an alert state after skipping the quest sequence, which would cause the objective to remain as “Wait for the Watcher to Pass”.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘The Mountain That Fell’ where some players would experience Aloy getting stuck between the gaps near the boulder next to a campfire.

Crash fixes:

  • Fixed an issue in “To Curse the Darkness” where some players would experience a crash while trying to climb ‘Faro Tech’.

Miscellaneous fixes:

  • Minor text fixes.
  • Minor animation fixes.

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