No Man’s Sky Next – Fix 1.51 für Savegame Problem erschienen

Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
3 Min Read

Mit dem Release von ‚No Man’s Sky Next‚ in dieser Woche ergab sich ein ziemlich ärgerliches Problem für zurückkehrende Spieler, die No Man’s Sky schon eine ganze Weile spielen. So wurde deren Savegame zwar korrekt geladen, dennoch wurden die Spieler am Anfang des Spiels abgesetzt und alle Fortschritte waren verloren.

Entwickler Hello Games hat das Problem inzwischen gefunden und einen entsprechenden Fix (v1.51) für den PC & PS4 veröffentlicht, der so schnell wie möglich auch auf Xbox One folgen wird. Was dieser darüber hinaus noch optimiert, hat man im Changelog weiter unten festgehalten.

No Man’s Sky 1.51 Patch Notes

  • Fixed an issue where players who saved after partially repairing some items of technology would be unable to load that savegame. Please note that if the game has not been resaved, then progress has not been lost and will be recovered.
  • Fixed a crash caused by memory corruption
  • Fixed a crash in the animation system
  • Fixed a crash when saving on a freighter
  • Fixed a crash when fleet expeditions end without their capital ship present
  • Fixed a number of memory leaks
  • Fixed an issue where warping in multiplayer could cause players to spawn on a planet rather than in space
  • Fixed an issue where freighter bases would be in the wrong position
  • Fixed an issue where the build menu could crash if there was nothing available to build
  • Fixed an issue where players would be unable to warp during the antimatter stage of the tutorial
  • Fixed an issue where the mission destination would be incorrectly reported as in another system at the Hermetic Seal phase of the tutorial
  • Fixed an issue where upgrade modules installed in the main Exosuit inventory would not be saved correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where portable refiners placed near each other would share inventories
  • Fixed an issue where the cockpit of some ships would continually open and close
  • Fixed an issue where new controls were missing from the controls page


Der Patch ist nun auch für PS4 erhältlich, während sich Xbox One Besitzer noch gedulden müssen. Darüber hinaus ist auch schon das Update 1.52 in Arbeit, das dann folgende Änderungen mit sich bringt.

  • Fixed an issue that will restore more savegames for players who saved with partially repaired tech.
  • Fixed an issue where players who had partially repaired a piece of broken technology would have an incorrect item in the repair interaction
  • Fixed an issue where players in underwater bases played the wrong animations
  • Fixed an issue where freighters incorrectly reported they did not have enough fuel to warp
  • Fixed a crash in the base-building system
  • Improved garbage collection and reduced memory footprint of physics
  • Prevented occasional crash in animation
  • Reduce memory footprint of planetary textures from space
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