Anthem – Vorschau auf den Patch 1.04

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
3 Min Read

Wie von Bioware versprochen, erscheint in Kürze das nächste Title Update für ‚Anthem‘ in der Version 1.04, auf das man heute schon einen ersten Ausblick gewährt.

Im gestrigen Livestream ist man dazu auf diverse Änderungen eingegangen, darunter Verbesserungen von The Forge oder den Elysian Stronghold Chests. Im Fokus steht natürlich auch weiterhin das Loot, mit dem viele so gar nicht zufrieden sind, auch Bioware nicht, ebenso widmet man sich den Legendary Missions.

Insgesamt umfasst der Patch 13 Seiten, die man zeitnahe zum Release veröffentlichen wird. Bis dahin gibt es hier einen kleinen Auszug, den man via Reddit bereitgestellt hat.

Patch 1.04 Vorschau

Elysian Caches

  • Elysian caches are available at the end of Strongholds when the boss has been killed
  • They can contain vanity items and crafting embers
  • You get a key for the cache by completing a select daily challenge
  • Everyone in the squad receives the rewards, so if all 4 players have keys, you will get 4 rewards
  • The number of keys is listed in Fort Tarsis next to how much coin you have

Forge improvements

  • There is now no loading screen to get into the Forge
  • It can be accessed anywhere from Fort Tarsis
  • All equipped components are now listed under the weapons and gear
  • These improvements are an incremental step to Forge improvements
  • A stat screen is still being investigated. No news to share yet.


  • Stronghold bosses still guarantee one Masterwork on GM difficulty, but now the remaining loot can be rolled for Masterworks/Legendaries
  • Strongholds and freeplay chests will see improved drop rates for rarer gear

Legendary missions

  • Legendary missions will be added to the game. These are more difficult, replayable critical path missions.
  • There will be 6 missions on release, with one playable each day.
  • There will be an apex creature at the end of each mission – these can be either an Ursix, Titan, Luminary or Fury
  • You do not need to start conversations with NPCs to initiate these missions – they will always be on the map

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