Für diesen Dezember hatte Guerilla Games bereits versprochen, dass es noch einige Updates für ‚Killzone: Shadow Fall‘ geben wird. Dazu ist heute der Patch 1.07 erschienen.
Mit diesem wurde anderem der Team-basierende Voice Chat umgesetzt, einzelne Spieler können stumm geschaltet werden, Support für Farbenblinde und vieles mehr. Alle Änderungen wurden im offiziellen Changelog festgehalten.
- Added team-based in-game voice chat.
- Added the ability to mute specific players to the in-game scoreboard.
- Added the ability to mute all players to the Audio options menu.
- Added support for color blindness to the Display options menu.
- Added the ability to allow/disallow voice chat in Custom Warzones.
- Added support for multiplayer voice packs
- Updated the multiplayer personalization menus with voice pack and skin support.
- Added links to DLC content on PlayStation Store in areas where DLC and personalization packs can be selected or used.
- Added an explanation of Warzones to the main menu (visible only to first-time multiplayer players).
- Added the ability for players to delete their moderated Warzones.
- Updated the Remote Play button assignment.
- Increased the running speed while using the Cloak ability.
- Added an Invite-to-Party button to player cards.
- Removed the checkpoint text when not saving to disc, to make it less confusing for players.
- Increased the brightness on The Handler, section Last Stand to make spotting enemies less difficult.
- Increased the size of the objective icon and changed the image to make it more visible to players.
- Added a new Warzone customization option: Disable weapon drops.
- Added a suicide option to the multiplayer options menu.
- Changed the color of party members on the radar to blue.
- Removed the player’s rank/challenges completed from the in-game scoreboard.
- Added base camp turret icons to the radar.
- Fixed several exploits in multiplayer.
- Fixed several crashes.
- Fixed a bug where the names of cloaked teammates did not appear above their head.
- Fixed a bug where the gravity well did not open in some occasions in the campaign level The Dead, section Tyran Lives.
- Fixed an issue where if all users leave a party mid-game, the teams are not rebalanced when the map rolls over.
- Fixed a bug where the player’s save data is corrupted if they reboot the title while a patch is being downloaded.
TAGGED:Killzone Shadow Fall