Battlefield 1 – Prise de Tahure Update jetzt online

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4 Min Read

DICE hat wie angekündigt ein neues Update für ‚Battlefield 1‘ veröffentlicht, mit dem unter anderem die neuen Premium Trials eingeführt werden. Mit diesen können auch Spieler ohne Premium Pass auf die sonst kostenpflichtigen DLC Karten zugreifen.

Das Update bringt zudem die Nachtkarte ‚Prise de Tahure‚ mit sich, es gibt einige Änderungen am UI, die Mietserver wurden hinzugefügt, sowie diverse Korrekturen am Spiel vorgenommen. Im Detail bedeutet dies, dass man sich nun keiner Gruppe mehr anschließen muss, um auf der Prise de Tahure-Karte spielen zu können, sondern kann diese zeitlich begrenzt auch so nutzen. Besitzer des Premium Pass oder des They Shall Not Pass Expansion Pass steht die Karte dauerhaft zur Verfügung.

Welche Änderungen das Update sonst so bereithält, verrät euch der offizielle Changelog:

Maps und Modi

  • Soissons: Adjusted Flag D capture area in Frontlines to improve map balance.
  • Nivelle Nights: Fixed a bug where the Out of Bounds grayscale screen-effect would sometimes fail to enable.
  • Nivelle Nights: Fixed an issue where field kits in sector five in a Rush game could be used before the sector was active.
  • Fort de Vaux: Players should no longer be able to get on top of the fort around the courtyard area.


  • Updated the Map Voting system to exclude the previous map (as well as the current map) from the random selection pool to prevent the possible A-B-A-B map play pattern.
  • Game will now cancel matchmaking whenever backing out of the Operations globe screen. This to prevent a lingering blur state of the globe.
  • Synchronized damage taken effect to the actual shooter networked state. Previously it lead to out of sync effects where the shooter was not yet visible.
  • Fixed a rare client crash that could occur when a player joined late and a player just dropped/picked up a weapon.
  • Fixed a disconnect issue that could occur when loading a map.


  • Premium Friends – Non-Premium players’ score will now show 0 throughout the match on all Scoreboards and End-of-Round screens.


  • Added new setting to allow for limited number of specific kits.
  • Added setting for round time limit multiplier.
  • Added setting for Unlimited Magazines.
  • Countdown stops if players drop: Lowered the required player count for countdown to start game round to the minimum number of players required to finish a game if preround is enabled. The player count is unchanged if preround is disabled.
  • Implemented a latency soft lock option where players with a ping higher than 100ms higher get kicked automatically.


  • Fixed issue where the “Player-Created Content” option was grayed-out, unusable, and set to “Hide” after booting the title without a network connection.
  • Fixed the wrong transport driver chase camera caption in the controls UI.
  • The networking issues icons will not show up in Spectator Mode anymore.

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