Project CARS 3 – Drittes Content-Update erschienen

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Die Slightly Mad Studios haben das dritte Content-Update für Project CARS 3 veröffentlicht, das neben diversen Verbesserungen auch neue Inhalte an Bord hat.

Neu ist damit der Hermann Tilke-designed Bahrain International Circuit, der in vier Layouts gefahren werden kann, darunter Grand Prix, Inner, Outer und Paddock. Ebenfalls interessant die Implementierung von TrueFrorce, die von dem neuen Logitech G923 unterstützt wird und dem haptischen Feedback der PS5 folgt.

„Trueforce ist eine hochauflösende Force Feedback-Technologie, die die haptischen Möglichkeiten für Rennspiele revolutioniert. Durch die Nutzung von Spielphysik und Audio in Echtzeit fühlen die Spieler das Dröhnen des Motors, die Reifentraktion, die Beschaffenheit des Geländes der Strecke und das Feedback des Lenkrads nun besser als je zuvor. Trueforce ist somit direkt mit den Ingame-Engines verbunden und berechnet die Daten bis zu 4000-mal pro Sekunde, um in den unterstützen Spielen möglichst viel Realismus und Detailtreue zu erzeugen.“

Alle weiteren Änderungen finden sich im nachfolgenden Changelog:


  • Issue with online players moving at different times during rolling starts fixed with automatic race delay countdown
  • New lobby browse flow
  • New post-race flow in MP
  • Fixed host assist settings for all MP participants
  • Fixed an issue that caused MP options to become inactive after reconnecting ethernet cable


  • Fix for Photo Mode vignette effect
  • There is also a fix for pressing the “Hide HUD” button during the post-race spectating sequence
  • Fix for when you hit “0 attempts left” in Rivals Mode and the Race button wasn’t greyed-out
  • Fixed button to toggle between loaner and owned cars being labelled as “0” in vehicle select
  • Fix for decals being replaced while applying decals in certain slots and scrolling through decal placement options
  • Fix for highlighting the GT Open tab causing the Road E class picture to appear
  • Disabled the “Resume” button when Photo button pressed
  • Changed sort order of proximity arrows
  • Added number of attempts left in Rivals to pre-race menu and pause menu
  • Fixed the track loading screen background flashing at the beginning of the “Welcome to” screen
  • Improved framerate during video playback
  • Fixed a crash exiting replays
  • Updated to the latest Nissan logo
  • Missing skip tutorial label in Brazilian Portuguese and Neutral Spanish added


  • Fix for cars not unlocking when user levelled up without leaving post-race screen, interrupting Career progression (this fix retroactively corrects any profiles which were affected by this issue).


  • TrueForce initial implementation. Implementation uses haptic thread to provide high-frequency procedural waves for the rumble effects
  • Modulated TruForce slip rumble based on surface wetness
  • Fine tuned slide threshold for TrueForce
  • Fixed TrueForce curb rumble at speed
  • Fixed rolling start discrepancy when TC is enabled


  • Fixed female character 1


  • Willow Springs Horse Thief Mile: Removed “rallycross” tag that was making cars pick the dirt tyre option in all-weather conditions
  • Mojave: Fixed various holes in the terrain
  • Fuji: Sponsor updates for the track
  • Azure Coast Full: Fixed the AI turning abruptly after the finish line in the post-race screen
  • Knockhill National: Fixed the AI contacting the edge of the barrier when attempting to squeeze past slow or stopped cars
  • Sakitto National: Slowed AI lap times 2-3 seconds at Legendary
  • Zolder: Fixed a flickering glass window issue
  • Monument Canyon B: Fixed the 32nd grid spot being slightly in front of the 31st
  • Yas Marina: Fixed various LOD popping on track
  • Zhuhai: Fixed some tree rendering on the track
  • Hockenheimring GP Classic: Fixed some trees popping
  • Added Bahrain to the track list


  • Fixed crash when user applied a racing conversion kit to the last car in their garage
  • 2015 Ford Mustang GT Racing: Made interior dark grey instead of white
  • Honda Civic Racing: Made interior dark grey instead of white
  • Mercedes A45 TCR: Made interior dark grey instead of white
  • Caterham 620R + Racing: Tyre update to stop colour popping when selecting factory livery
  • BMW M6 GT3: Tyre fix to stop logo popping at distance
  • Removed exceptions for McLaren P1 GTR, now all custom rims can be chosen
  • Honda 2&4: Fixed missing animation for accelerating and braking
  • Audi R8 LMP900: Edited front suspension to avoid clipping with bonnet
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