F1 2021 – Patch 1.05 bringt Raytracing zurück

Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
2 Min Read

Schneller als erwartet konnte man die Performance-Probleme in F1 2021 auf PS5 lösen und bringt mit dem Patch 1.05 das Raytracing-Feature zurück. Erst letzte Woche wurde das Feature entfernt, um ein angenehmeres Spielerlebnis zu bieten.

Das verrät der offizielle Changelog zum Update, in dem auch weitere Performance-Aspekte angegangen wurden, darunter diverse Crash-Situationen und generelle Stabilitätsprobleme. Zudem wurde ein wenig an der Balance im Prolog und Kapitel 9 geschraubt und viele mehr.

Alle Details dazu verrät euch der nachfolgende Changelog:

  • Improvements to DLSS implementation.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur after returning to a ranked lobby if the lobby had split. 
  • Addressed an issue where players could be split into a placeholder lobby when re-matchmaking in ranked.
  • Rebalanced Prologue and chapter 9 of Braking Point on Hard difficulty.
  • Addressed a crash when previewing items within the Podium Pass.
  • Addressed a crash when Player 2 quits in Two-Player Career Player career while Player 1 is in an interview.
  • Addressed a crash with UDP if the number of active cars was zero.
  • Addressed a crash when editing colours of customisation items.
  • Addressed issues regarding Ray Tracing on PS5. Ray Tracing has now been re-enabled.
  • Addressed a crash that could occur when saving an F2™ highlight from Grand Prix mode.
  • Addressed an issue where Two-Player Career could be locked to equal performance. 
  • Addressed an issue where players could be placed on sub-optimal tyres during an F2™ Sprint race.
  • Addressed an issue where the game could briefly stall when passing the start/finish line in one-shot qualifying.
  • Addressed an issue where only the lobby host would be notified that the Virtual Safety Car was ending.
  • Added option to select Ray Tracing quality on PC.
  • Disabled keyboards as an input device on Xbox to resolve an issue with detecting wheel inputs when re-assigning controls. This will be re-enabled once the underlying issue has been resolved with system firmware.
  • General stability improvements.
  • Various minor fixes.
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