Call of Duty: Black Ops III Patch 1.06 erschienen

By Trooper_D5X 1 comment
4 Min Read

Treyarch hat den Patch 1.06 für ‚Call of Duty: Black Ops III‘ zum Download freigegeben, der nochmals umfassende Korrekturen am Multiplayer vornimmt.

Unter anderem sind nun 25 gespielte Matches notwendig, um beim Score Per Minute geranked zu werden, der Freunde-Filter wird nun abgeschaltet, sobald mehr als 100 Freunde in der Rangliste vertreten sind, Fehler im UI wurden beseitigt, sobald man sich zu lange im Hauptmenü aufhält und vieles mehr, was ihr im offiziellen Changelog nachlesen könnt.



  • Removed UI error that could occur if Players were idle for a long period of time in the Main Menu.
  • Fixed issue where DLC 1 purchases from the Playlist menu were not immediately updated in the UI.
  • Leaderboards now require 25 games to be played in a game mode in order to be ranked by Score Per Minute (SPM).
  • The Friends filter is disabled when a player has over 100 friends on a Leaderboard to prevent a known issue. We are further investigating.
  • Fixed issue where hit markers moved off-center when a player was taking damage.


  • Outrider – Sparrow: Increased ability to hit enemies.
  • Nomad – Rejack: Increased remaining Power when player terminates.
  • Prophet – Tempest: Increased ability to hit enemies.


-Assault Rifles

  • ICR-1: Increased long distance damage range.
  • HVK-30: Increased long distance damage range.
  • Sheiva: Increased long distance damage range.
  • KN-44: Increased medium distance damage range.

-Submachine Guns

  • Vesper: Reduced recoil stability. Reduced Hip-fire accuracy.
  • Weevil: Increased medium distance damage range in Hardcore mode.

-Sniper Rifles

  • Locus: Increased weapon switch speed.


-Power Core

  • Cost decreased to 1250.
  • Duration increased to 60 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue where the Power Core would occasionally fail to destroy an enemy Counter-UAV.



  • Fixed several issues with Daily Challenges not showing the correct reward.
  • Resolved an issue where GobbleGums wouldn’t activate for different users after already being used once in the map.
  • Resolved an issue where, upon reviving a player, they could experience a functionality loss after using a GobbleGum that requires manual activation.

Shadows of Evil

  • Fixed Shadows of Evil Easter Egg bug.

Der Eisendrache

  • Resolved a bug where an increased number of zombies would respawn after being killed via the A-10 Rocket platform trap.
  • Fixed an exploit in which the DG-4 anti-gravity trap would never turn off.
  • Resolved a bug where zombies would be immune to the DG-4 anti-gravity trap.
  • Addressed an issue where the Raygun Pack-a-Punch skin would not update when the weapon is packed.
  • Fixed a bug where Players would get stuck in spectator mode if downed with Quick Revive perk on the A-10 Rocket platform.
  • Addressed an issue that occurred when using “Killing Time” GobbleGum during a key sequence in Der Eisendrache.
  • Addressed a rare progression break during the main Easter Egg.
  • Resolved an enemy spawn issue that occasionally occurred during a Der Eisendrache Easter Egg.
  • Various enemy pathing issues have been fixed.



  • Added support for the Tactical Mode “auto-on” feature.

(*) nutzt Affiliate-Links von bekannten Shops und Plattformen, durch dir wir eine kleine Provision erhalten. Ein Nachteil für euch ergibt sich dadurch nicht, aber ihr unterstützt so indirekt die Plattform. Danke!


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