PUBG – Juni Update auf PS4 verfügbar

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
2 Min Read

Auch in diesem Juni darf man sich auf ein neues Update zu ‚PUBG‘ freuen, das ab sofort für PS4 und Xbox One verfügbar ist. Details dazu hat der Entwickler in einem Changelog festgehalten.

Sämtliche Updates beinhalten Features, um eine verfeinerte Spielmechanik zu gewährleisten, neue Funktionen sowie ein neues Fahrzeug und eine neue Waffe hinzuzufügen. Alle Verbesserungen und neuen Inhalte kommen zu dem kommenden Erangel Visual Update hinzu, bei dem die ikonische Karte ein visuelles und spielerisches Update erhält, das im Laufe dieses Sommers veröffentlicht wird.

Changelog Juni Update

Weapon Mastery

  • New progression feature in PUBG with unique, awesome, and free rewards
  • New avenue for players to improve their weapon skills

Tactical Marker

  • The map now has six marker options to choose from depending on the situation

Second Erangel Loot Spawn Rebalance

  • Increased spawn rate of AR, DMR and SR
  • The featured map will be changed to Erangel from Sanhok with the June Update

Vikendi Loot Spawn Rebalance

  • Blue Zone adjustment
  • Increased spawn rate of AR, DMR and SR (especially SR)

Auto Equip Attachments

  • Handling attachments with the controller can sometimes be difficult and players would sometimes avoid early combat due to having insufficient time to equip attachments
  • To solve for this, the PUBG team created an auto-equip attachment feature to reduce time when equipping needed attachments. Less time in your inventory means more time for battle!

Controller Preset C

  • Like the above auto equip feature, the PUBG team are focusing on improving overall player experience during battles
  • On the controller, leaning is configured to thumbsticks and it can sometimes affect players’ movement and aim
  • Controller Preset C moves the bindings of leaning from the thumbsticks to the bumper buttons, as well as making a number of other suggested changes. More details coming soon.

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