Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Blackout-Modus jetzt mit 100 Spielern

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
2 Min Read

Während es bereits am vergangenen Wochenende ein erstes größeres Update für ‚Call of Duty: Black Ops 4‘ gab, folgt heute bereits das nächste Title Update samt neuer Features.

So unterstützt der Blackout-Modus nun 100 Spieler bei den Duos, sowie 88 Spieler bei den Quads-Playlisten. Außerdem wurden wieder diverse Korrekturen vorgenommen,dessen Details ihr dem nachfolgenden Changelog entnehmen könnt:


  • General stability improvements and crash fixes.
  • The Featured playlist tiles for Multiplayer and Blackout have changed today. This is part of the regular rotation of Featured playlists – more details to come on how Featured playlists will work in Black Ops 4 in a separate update.

100-Player Duos

  • 100-Players Duos is now the Featured playlist for Blackout.

88-Player Quads

  • Quads playlist is now 88 maximum players. We’re continuing to update various game settings to ensure the best experience for all players across all platforms and modes.

Playlist Updates

  • TDM playlist now supports parties of 6 (was previously 5).
  • Featured playlist changed to Heist.

Custom Games

  • Custom Search and Destroy games will now correctly conclude after one team wins 6 rounds total, fixing an issue where custom games previously ended at round 7.


  • Addressed a crash caused by earning multiple Medals in a match.


  • Addressed a UI error caused by losing Internet connection in split screen.

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