Wreckfest – Patch 1.05 optimiert die Performance

bla bla bla
4 Min Read

Entwickler Bugbear hat den Patch 1.05 für ‚Wreckfest‘ veröffentlicht, mit dem man noch einmal ordentlich an der Performance-Schraube dreht.

Dies erstreckt sich über alle Bereich, von Frontend, über den Multiplayer, dem Gameplay, der Fahrzeuge, den Umgebungen, dem Sound und vieles mehr. Alle Details dazu verrät euch der offizielle Changelog:


  • Fixed a crash in the server browser.
  • Fixed a crash in the user interface renderer.


    • Audio for remote cars no longer stutters.
    • The currently running prediction phase is now completed when switching to dead reckoning.
    • Improved client smoothing, reducing the stuttering the remote cars especially when viewed from the side.
  • Essential server info is now displayed in the lobby (click the server message to toggle)
  • Toggling ready/unready is now disabled immediately (a second, to be precise) before event start to prevent glitches.
  • High ping warning threshold is now 1000 ms.
  • Fixed a glitch in the chat that caused text to disappear.


  • Adjusted shifting logic, shifts occur closer to redline.
  • Adjusted tire pressures, so that front and back wheels have more or less the same pressure (and thus, different deflection).
  • AI now races more loosely and their raceline mistakes are more natural. As previously, the lower the AI Difficulty level, the more prone the AI is to errors.
  • AI now packs up more tightly.
  • Killerbee AI is now more competetive.
  • AI now uses maxed out Class A cars in the final parts of the career and randomly in custom events.
  • In Hateful Eight career event, the AI can no longer use Class B cars.


  • Steering wheel is now animated for AI cars as well.
  • Steering wheel of AI cars now follows deform (prevents the floating steering wheel syndrome).
  • Fixed Motorhome engine parts and materials.
  • Paint jobs and liveries no longer add to the vehicle price.
  • Fixed Motorhome tire damage that caused the wheels to occasionally glitch.
  • Fixed a number of incorrect value references.


  • Added fence in front of the spectators on the banks of Espedalen so that cars going offroad hit the fence instead of resetting after hitting spectators.
  • The cars should no longer get abruptly reset when crashing into the spectators in the Hilltop Stadium (at least not as easily as previously).
  • Hitting parked vehicles on Big Valley Stadium no longer causes a reset, and the vehicles have proper collisions.
  • A number of additional, non-specified optimization and collision improvements.
  • Fixed an antiportal glitch visible in the Motorcity reverse layout.


  • Adjusted the main menu camera views and tones for a more atmospheric result.


  • Added a controller preset with inverted sticks.


  • Music now continues to play over online track change when in-game music is disabled.
  • Fixed surface audio effect for sliding.
  • Propely balanced AI volume levels.
  • Master volume tweaks.

Mehr zu Wreckfest verrät euch auch unser aktuelles Review zum Spiel.

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