Gun Media hat ein weiteres Update für ‚Friday The 13th – The Game‘ angekündigt, das bereits am morgigen Dienstag erscheint und einige kostenlose Inhalte mit sich bringt.
Damit möchte man sich unter anderem für den etwas verkorksten Start des Spiels entschuldigen, der von Matchmaking-Problemen und diversen Bugs geplagt war. In der Zwischenzeit wurde hier bereits mehrfach nachgebessert, sodass der Titel nun zumindest recht reibungslos spielbar ist. Dies umfasste unter anderem die Bereitstellung von mehr Servern.
Mit dem neuen Update darf man sich nun unter anderem auf einen Retro Jason freuen, neue Outfits, sowie 13,000 Customization Points für jeden Spieler. Abschließend stellt man ein weiteres Double XP Wochenende in Aussicht, das diesmal vom 23. bis 25. Juni stattfindet. Auf der technischen Seite wurden noch einmal die Animationen überarbeitet, eine dynamische Kamera integriert, Kill Locations wurden der Map hinzugefügt und vieles mehr. Alle Details dazu könnt ihr im Changelog unten nachlesen.
Damit nicht genug, arbeitet man auch weiterhin unermüdlich an Updates, um für jeden die bestmögliche Spielerfahrung zu gewährleisten.
Der Patch sollte inzwischen verfügbar sein.
Are you ready for our first update? We have a few goodies to give you as thanks for your patience during this launch. Coming June 20th!
— Friday The 13th Game (@Friday13thGame) June 19, 2017
Offizieller Changelog
- Steam matchmaking searches longer for lower pinged games.
- Various minor matchmaking optimizations made.
- Lobby countdown timer closes menus at the 3 second mark instead of when it starts.
- Warning beeps can now be heard from sub-menus.
- Added lots more environmental kill locations to all of the maps.
- Leaving a match while a party leader now prompts you to disband or take the party with you.
- Security updates to prevent account spoofing.
- Dynamic camera and character animation improvements.
- Added an option for controlling the PTT sound.
- Increased XP penalty of team killing fellow counselors to -1,000XP from -200XP.
- Fixed several exploit locations on all maps.
- Fixed Steam party members not following the party leader.
- Fixed Steam party main menu voice stuttering.
- Fixed Jason getting stuck in the grab pose if a grabbed counselor disconnects while being pulled out of a car.
- Fixed an issue with block detection on boat seats.
- Fixed some counselor vehicle interactions not being blocked while in a context kill.
- Fixed some floating items on item swap and with traps.
- Fixed the Shotgun sometimes floating after use.
- Fixed an issue with tracking total Jason kills.
- Fixed multiple achievement related bugs.
- Fixed windows sometimes displaying the wrong open/close position on listen servers.
- Fixed an issue where sprint was canceling fear animations & some stances.
- Fixed some dynamic camera issues when interpolating from a kill back to the player.
- Fixed Jason being able to morph into the boat and get shoved out of the map.
- Fixed a case where spectators would not hear alive players.
- Fixed session presence not always updating immediately to point at your game session (for invites) after you leave a party session.
- Fixed some game server specific crashes.
- Fixed the game sitting for the duration of the outro when no outro is played.
- Fixed the scoreboard staying on the screen when the end match menu opens.
- Locking the end match scoreboard on-screen.
- Fixed defaults not always functioning in Video Settings.
- Made the Gamma slider easier to use with a gamepad.
- Fixed a case where a player’s mute state may not be sent to the server after loading the map.
- Fixed character placement issue when getting out of a tent.
- Fixed character placement issue when ejected from a car and your door is blocked.
- Fixed being able to use other items while using the sweater.
- Fixed some exploits with trap placement.
- Fixed multiple crouch exploits.
- Fixed multiple fireplace kill interaction distances.
- Fixed multiple cases of Jason being struck and flying off the map.
- Fixed multiple interaction lock bugs.
- Optimized Steam P2P lobby tag updates, dedicated server tag space usage.