Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – Patch 1.04 verfügbar

By Trooper_D5X Add a Comment
3 Min Read

Respawn hat in diesen Stunden ein weiteres Update für ‚Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order‚ veröffentlicht, diesmal in der Version 1.04 und mit zahlreichen Fehlerbehebungen.

Unter anderem wurde die Energieleiste der Macht umgefärbt, damit diese leichter zu lesen ist, ein Glitch auf Dathomir wurde behoben, der Crash bei der Szene mit dem AT-AT auf Kashyyyk gefixt, sowie auch ein Bug, bei dem BD-1 plötzlich verschwunden ist. Alle Details dazu könnt ihr nachfolgend einsehen:

Patch 1.04 Changelog

  • There was an issue that would sometimes cause BD-1 to turn invisible after completing Bogano. This has been fixed and everyone’s favourite droid will now be visible.
  • The Force bar has had its colour switched, making it easier to read.
  • You will no longer be able to glitch through a wall on Ilum.
  • An issue that caused the Spire of Miktrull from being raised has been fixed.
  • A missing bridge on Dathomir has been located, no longer blocking game progress.
  • Spheres can no longer get stuck in the wall within the Tomb of Eilram.
  • An issue preventing players from leaving the tomb on Dathomir has been addressed.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing players from completing the Force Push tutorial.
  • Players can no longer bypass a specific area on Dathomir that requires double jump.
  • BD-1 will no longer disappear during a later section of the game.
  • Talking to BD-1 during the AT-AT scene on Kashyyyk will no longer break the scene.
  • There was an issue which prevented players from locating the double bladed lightsaber on Dathomir, this has been addressed.
  • Improved collision on Bogano.
  • Improved collision on Ilum.
  • Fixed an issue which would cause the player to die at the same time as another [spoiler] character.
  • Fixed an issue which would cause parts of the level to become affected by lightsaber throws during one of the fights with [spoiler].
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck on Dathomir after defeating [spoiler].
  • Fixed an issue from occurring where a character would not appear on Dathomir, and thus preventing players from progressing.
  • An issue preventing players from completing a sphere puzzle on Zeffo has been addressed.

Mehr zu Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order könnt ihr auch in unserem aktuellen Review nachlesen.

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