Far Cry 4 – Details & Changelog zum Day One Patch

By Trooper_D5X 2 comments
2 Min Read

Ubisoft hat auch zu ‚Far Cry 4‘ einen Day One Patch bereitgestellt, der ab sofort zum Download verfügbar ist.

Auf PlayStation 4 wiegt dieser etwas 600MB und nimmt die üblichen, letzten Korrekturen vor, darunter die allgemeine Performance, die AI, Matchmaking-Probleme, Mission Tweaks oder Korrekturen am HUD und am Menü. Größere Probleme, wie bei Assassin´s Creed vergangene Woche wurden seitens der Spieler bislang nicht gemeldet.

Offizieller Changelog:

Stability & Performance

  • Fixed some random crashes on all game modes


  • Fixed various edge case animation issues
  • Fixed various edge case detection issues
  • Fixed missing VO for edge case reaction issues

Matchmaking, Connectivity & Replication

  • Fixed matchmaking edge case issues
  • Fixed host migration random & edge case issues
  • Fixed join-in-progress edge case issues
  • Fixed various replication issues between host and clients
  • Fixed edge case replication issues with systems

Menus and HUD

  • Fixed various edge case menus and pop-up overlap issues
  • Fixed Mission objectives & updates issues
  • Fixed Co-op specific pop-up updates issues
  • Fixed few localization issues (cut-off text, subtitles)
  • Fixed progression displaying 100% too early in progress tab
  • Polished tutorial images

Mission Tweaks (Campaign, Co-Op & Side Content)

  • Fixed various low repro walkthrough breaks

World & 3D

  • Fixed various texture issues
  • Deleted some rare floating objects


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